Often people ask me what the truth is or they challenge me to defend my truth. When I feel someone isn’t open to hearing my truth, I stay quiet. I notice that I still get disappointed when people who are working with light and love and are open about working with angels and ascended masters are so shut off from hearing anything that isn’t of the light or so they label it. As if that is going to affect them and murk their bright waters. They want to stay in their happy bubble and not have that disturbed by the “dark stuff”. And I don’t want to bust that bubble, but I do have such an itch so to speak to “wake them up from their dream”. And yes this is ego. If they need to see this other part of our reality, It will start to crack when they are ready.

The joy of awakening

My personal “wake up” started years ago with my investigation into ETs (as I have strong memories and still have contact with star people) and GMOs (from my natural nutrition course/personal interest in clean and green living) and more recently in the Cancer industry/Big Pharma because of both my parents suffered from Cancer. I have an inquisitive mind. So I dug deep. Hours and hours, days and days of reading, watching videos and listening to interviews. One subject led me into the next, and into the next and now I am up to ears in stuff like illuminati, reptilians, occult, chemtrails, supersoldiers, AI, Mind Control, Cabal, Archons, etc. etc.
Years ago I realised that we all live in a big lie, a controled and confined world, very much like the Truman Show, only with less pastels and chirpy people. Their lies, they are all so out in the open, it is almost unphantomable that not everyone sees it. Or that we haven’t seen it sooner, but we are so raised in this world of deception, we are trained not to look beyond what we are officially taught. But because it is so blatantly done, right in our faces, people that do see the truth are labeled as paranoid as they would never parade it right in our faces now would they? Yeah right they wouldn’t…really?
Once you see it it is impossible to unsee it. To close your eyes to what is happening right under our noses. My path now has been broadening my horizon and expanding my frame of reference bit by bit. And I am taking you with me on this excavation to freedom.

Light versus Dark

I still struggle with this light versus dark chapter. I was brought up to believe that what you focus on grows. So this meant shutting out all darkness and focussing on love and joy. But ofcourse it is a law that what ever you suppress persists and grows. So that is not the solution, believe me I learned the hard way. We still at this time live in a world of duality, so there is no use in focussing on one side only, it is all about equilibrium. We need to see the dark for what it is and expose it to the light. But in order to expose it, we need to first see it. That is how I feel about this now. And you know perhaps it is fine that people hold love and light in their own bubble. Anchor the light, I don’t know. I do know that that is not my path. I want to expose the darkness so we can really live in the light, without the protective bubble! I leave breadcrumbs for people to start opening up to see how we are being deceived and when someone wants to follow these crumbs, welcome! If not, also welcome. I have no agenda. I just share my path of discovery and try to make some sense of it. I notice that writing about it, sort of keeping a log, helps me connect dots and have further insights. Also sharing helps to lift the burden a bit, because yes it isn’t all love and light. I also share for people so they know they are not alone and I want to provide a safe haven where people can share their experiences.

Party Pooper

Like on my trip to France a few weeks ago. I met one woman who was open to these topics, these truths, things people may call conspiracies, so we connected instantly. But the other people there seemed to think us dark and well paranoid. I am highly sensitive and I can sense what people think, so I decided not to go into it too much. At lunch one day Disney came up (in a positive way) and I whispered something under my breathe to the other “awake” woman as I didn’t want to be a party pooper, and at the same moment she said what I was whispering out loud, she thought the same thing, But people weren’t open to it at all. So we dropped it. The Disney thing came up again today when I friend enthusiastically shared a Disney clip. I just had to say thanks, but no thanks. But will watch it later and keep an open mind. Always with an open mind. Never push your opinions on others, but do speak your truth when it comes up or when you are being asked. But what did come up for me is why I feel the need to censor myself? I want to be open about what I think and feel. That is also why I started this blog. And I ask people I meet questions and sort of take pulse of where they are at. And like I said I drop little truth bombs and see how they respond. If they don’t seem open to it, I drop it. But this wanting to belong and to be nice is such strong programming that sometimes I feel bad bursting people’s happy bubbles. But I do it from a good heart in order for us all to move to a place of more love and peace.

Seeking and investigating

Also during this week where we spoke so openly about Angels, Ascended Masters and other mystique beings such as elementals. Still so called ETs, our star brothers and sisters, were mocked. The subject came up a couple of times and always with a mocking tone or giggles. This hurt me on a deep level as I felt personally rejected. I now sort of regret not speaking up. So a lot of triggers happened that week Rennes le Chateau. Which I am really grateful for. I came there to heal and peel the layers of the onion that is my persona more and more. I make it a habit to do lots of work on self and go on many workshops and retreats to discover the deeper truth of myself. Life is to evolve and grow, to get to know oneself better and better, layer by layer.

Nothing stays the same

I don’t want others to take on my truth as their truth. I want them to discover and wake up to theirs. I want them to do their own seeking and investigation. Change happens, nothings stays the same. The world is in a constant state of flux. There is a constant flow of energy moving and shifting. There is so much I don’t know. The more I explore and learn, the more I realize that there is very little I know with absolute certainty. I am discovering new things each day and change my mind about things regularly. The deeper you get in the rabbit hole the weirder it gets and the more you see that all is connected. I have a pretty good BS radar and I feel that because I have let go of so many old stories and ways of identifying with the world, I have a lot clearer view. My patterns of interpreting the world shifted.

Connecting Dots

It is like starting a huge puzzle, at first you can’t see the picture at all, but then it all gets clearer and clearer. When you start to really connect the dots and try to make “sense” of the power structure that is ruling this Earth, or even this Universe, we need to see beyond this 3D construct we now see as the real world. There is so much more than meets the eye and how we perceive our so called reality. In order to see the whole picture, one needs to delve into the occult, other dimensions and spiritual and cosmic realms. There is a force that can be subtly felt or senses and observed through synchronicity and signs.

Define Truth and common sense

It is hard to discern these days as everyone is so paranoid and no one seems to trust anyone anymore. It is imperative to use common sense. But define common sense? So many falsehoods are being spread and the most bizarre things are now being disclosed. It is a challenge to use “common sense” and at the same time open up to expand our perception and consciousness. As most of these subjects are so way out there, it is hard for people not to go into cognitive dissonance. Truth is stranger than fiction… it sometimes feels like I am watching a lousy over the top sci fi-film. We all know we can’t trust the Mainstream Media, but the Alternative Media is probably even worse at this point. It has been heavily infiltrated by shills, trolls, psy-ops and people trying to make money from the Truth Community. There are so many lies and falsehoods being spread, it is disheartening. So as always the only thing you can trust is your heart. What feels true to you. You can use outside sources to open you up to new ideas, ofcourse, as there is no way you can uncover all that information by yourself. But you yourself need to discern if it resonates with you. Toss it out if it doesn’t feel true. We need to let things sit for a while, let it marinate a bit until reality takes shape. Not that our reality is set in stone, it is an illusion. So there is nothing wrong with changing viewpoints, perceptions and understandings. These will all change as we ourselves change. Everything is energy and always in motion. And the path of finding our truth is not an easy one as we all live in a very confining environment that is engineered to distract and delude our thinking and comprehension of the world around us. I personally change my mind all the time and I find out that some people bring a lot of truth, but not every bit of information they bring resonates with me, so I discern with what I take on…for now. Please I ask you to do the same, think for yourself and be critical always.

Stop judging

It is important that we let go of judgement. Especially when things are concerned that we haven’t experienced ourselves. Make it safe for others to open up and come forward with their truth. It is so important that everyone feels safe to share their experience for it will expand our points of view and helps us to see the bigger picture. Also I advise you not to take a firm standpoint in what you think is true, as then you need to defend that point of view. Always stay open for exchange and looking at other evidence with an open mind and heart. Nothing is set in stone. Be open to be amazed. Expand your frame of reference and delve in. And move from there, oversee the whole picture and not just what you perceive now with your two eyes, there is so much more out there.

Belief versus knowing

We need to move from belief to knowing. We often speak about what we believe, but we need to let go of belief and also the word hope as these keep us away from manifesting. We need to expect something to be, to be true. Not hope or belief it is. Do you feel the difference in resonance. How disempowering belief and hope are. We need to say it like we see it. More on this by the great Zen Gardner: http://www.zengardner.com/hope-believe-dont-even-utter-words/
We need to trust in our relation to how we resonate with and experience the world. We need to find our own truth within and trust that. We all see the world through our own beingness and our own filters (aka beliefs). When we connect to the flow, we know our own truth.

Truth resides in the Heart

one things is clear to me, that there is a group of beings that want to keep us dumb and in fear. ” They” (be it the Cabal, evil aliens, AI, etc) are feeding on our fear. We therefor must be very powerful, that they go through so much trouble to keep us small and disconnected. Fear stops people from opening up to the truth. So staying safe inside our bubble of light will not do the world any good. We need to see the darkness, as light is stronger than darkness. We need to draw awake and aware conclusions as this would mean the inevitable fall of their power structure as illusion cannot stand in the face of truth and conscious awareness. And we can do all of this from a place of love and pure light. So yes it is important to work with the light and to live from our hearts as this is where our truth resides. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in aliens or the NWO, we all want a more honest and loving world, where we can truly be free. Let us burry the hatchet and stop fighting for truth, our personal truth, and let’s share and help each other on our quest for freedom. We now live in a time of great awakening and the Cabal is producing more and more desperate attempts at saving their big ugly arses by causing confusion within the truth community by spreading confusion, chaos and conflict. Let us use our common sense and wake up to this and be very aware of what they are doing. Let’s not get side tracked and stay focused on our path toward freedom, peace and love. We are entering a new age, and the truth will prevail. All masks will fall off and all will come to light. Let’s hold our vision and live our truth.

Love always,
Charissa xxx