Blah!!! I am done with business coaching, marketing courses, blogging, finding ways to make this biz work! I don’t get any joy from it at this time so I decided to drop all the pushing and pulling and go out to play!


I spend too much time at the computer. I have a full time desk job and in the evening and weekends I am working on Joy in Creation. But more on a marketing side instead of doing The actual Work and feeding my and your joy! Not a lot of creation is going on these days. Just listening to other people’s succes stories and ways they have made it (made what?). Not to say that I believe in re-inventing the wheel, but we must stay open to our own creativity and our own unique creation. There are just too many protocols out there that we are being asked to follow. And this makes me rebellious and unhappy.

Who reads this?

This blog takes too much time. And yes my blogs are too long. Let’s face it, who actually reads this? Hello anyone out there??? My best friends don’t even read my blog. So I am now deciding to spend my time following my joy and blog when I feel called and only then. And I will write the way I want. This is my playground, no more following rules. No pressure of newsletters, readers, clients, making money, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I like the challenge, learning new things and I think entrepreneurship is a great catalyst for growth as you run into many fears and beliefs to be released. But I notice I feel such a deep need to be more playful and flexible. I want to do it my way.

My Way

I will share what I want, when I want. No more figuring out what I think you the reader wants. I guess if I follow and share my bliss, everyone will be happy. I yearn to invest time in what brings me joy and therefor others, which is drawing/painting, oracle cards, cooking, health, green living, yoga, meditation, traveling, reading, astrology and coaching…and spending time with my friends!

No hibernation

I started Joy in Creation to help other people and to share in my joy. My joy for art, for healing, for oracle cards and for all things magical, mystical, spiritual and well all that woowoo stuff. And of course to share my truth. To help people wake up to what is going on in this world. To support them in their “awakening” process. To share my insights and provide clarity. However there is already so much great information out there (and a lot of shit, so beware). I will share when I feel called I need to share my insights. I will keep on doing Oracle and Tarot readings and I will spent more time away from the computer drawing and painting and doing yoga. This brings me joy. And I will launch my Biz-y Yoga (business yoga teaching) and Assertiveness Coaching this Winter. So no I will not be going into hibernation, far from it, I feel I am ready to go, ready to shine. But no more courses, webinars, biz coaches, etc. No more fixing and improving! I am done… for now. Let me play! I know this goes against all marketing advice, but you know what, I don’t care! I play by my rules.

Let Curiosity be my guide

I am letting go of attachment and needing life and biz to be a certain way. It is a time for play, flow and positive surprise, follow the crumbs the Universe gives me. Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity as the path I walk on is perfect. Stop planning and stop taking things so seriously.  It is about magic and elegance. Nothing is ever created or destroyed. so there really is no need to take it so seriously. Look at life from a bigger space. I have a deep reverence for life and this births compassion, compassion for life. I feel so called to maintain a spirit of play and fun.

More time offline, more time for creation

I notice I have no more patience for and interest in Facebook, reading people’s newsletters, reading blogs, watching videos, etc. My head is spinning with information and it is blocking out my inner voice and guidance. I feel like playing and connecting, connecting with my higher self, more. Of course I will still look at social media and read your emails. But I will make more time to play and create and less time doing other things. I am going to focus on what brings me joy. Enough with all the marketing advice and other biz stuff. I notice that I have had it, it feels to much like work. To succeed in fulfilling my larger mission as a divine changemaker it is necessary to develop a more regular connection to spirit and my inner guidance and use proper discernment so I can assess what is really going on – helping myself and others.


For me the past years and especially the last year and the past month has been a time of transformation, of letting go and letting grow. The past month of September has been physically and emotionally intense, with lots of solar flares pushing us on on our path of creation. We are being urged to go forward and step into the greatness of us. We have now stepped out of the heavy transitional energies of September and that’s a relief. Ever since the first of October, the New Moon, I have felt more clear, more peace, more room, it is like stepping out of a bath of molasses and finally moving forward. I am understanding more about myself now. The subconscious processing has come to an end. And it is game time! I will make plans that are in alignment with who I am, for as far as I am doing any planning. This is a time of identifying the key decisions, so I can move forward unencumbered. Play by my own rules and step into my birthright. And you can do the same. The time now is perfect and supportive. Stand by your word. Don’t waver. Don’t get tricked in to other’s and your own mind tricks. Know yourself, be clear, and be strong. We have gotten this far and we know something now. Trust in that and love yourself for it.

Go your own way

I feel more sovereign, more detached from my past, my stories, less dependent on other people and their stories. I see my own path more and more clear and I feel a great need for change. I am going my own way! And I hope to inspire you to do the same. I have felt this energy pushing and pulling for a long time, but it is time for concrete steps. This month is all about balance, fairness, truth, boundaries and congruence and as a Libra these energies really speak to me. We need to ask ourselves with everything we do and say whether we are in integrity with our needs, to be mindful of our boundaries and where we are giving and receiving. We need to take stock of where energy is going and how it is flowing.

Energy drains

The past years have been a time of letting go of more and more energy drains of fears, obligations, distractions, and commitments that limited my life path an probably have for many lifetimes. As they are related to karma, karmic cycles, and soul group dynamics. These are lessons we have chosen to heal and complete this lifetime. In releasing and forgiving so much, I experience so much freedom and inner peace now. Power drains are delaying our actions because we are afraid, confused, or want to get things right and perfect, this all prevents us from accessing the full use of our power and create an unbalanced state. This is a time for freedom and for letting go of self judgement and self criticism, and worrying about the future or regretting the past.

A beautiful gift

Everyone is affected by unresolved past patterns, unresolved fear-based DNA-level patterns rooted in this or previous lifetimes. This is humanity’s condition over thousand of years. Everyone carries in their DNA both enlightened qualities and patterns that prevent wholeness and having a life filled with love and joy. Our work is to clear this. There are many modalities to do this and there are many coaches and healers that can help you. Me being one of them. It is now time to use our voice carefully what you buy and ingest (physically and mentally). Trust that your energy and consciousness is a key factor in creating a more just and humane existence. Know that your presence, as you participate fully and consciously in our dance of change, is a beautiful gift you have to give the world.


Now is the time for expansion and transformation. No more waiting for the perfect time, for the right place, thing, opportunity, etc, as it will never come. WE need to expand into our new potentials and possibilities now. Now is the time to create the new realities we want. We are out of balance because we have new energetic options that we are not using. We are called to bring back the equilibrium. If we are in balance we are in neutral and this is our point of greatest power and expansion, where the energy flows in harmony. Our choice for balance requires that we make our own energetic requirements a priority. Are we happy and fulfilled? Are we living our greatest potential and possibilities? We need to do the inner work so we can integrate the new energy, we need to make space for that new energy. We do not have to worry about what that is, whatever is blocking us will be revealed so we can decide what we are going to do.

Full Moon

I expect the Full Moon of the 16th will bring in strong energies of truths being revealed, in our own lives and on a global scale. This could lead to great personal breakthroughs and being able to move ahead in a brand-new and more productive way. We are reaching the critical mass for awakening. Much knowledge about how society is governed and about how and why wars are fought is becoming common knowledge. We are seeing through the highly manipulated illusion that we can choose to believe or not. It is a choice! We are reaching the point individually and collectively of no longer believing the illusion and it is so exciting! We no longer believe we are limited, powerless. and helpless, all of the structures whose existence depends on those beliefs will crumble! The time we have to re-create a new, more empowered world is here and we can handle this and we are ready, now, because we have been working on this in our own realities.

As a divine changemaker you are among those consciously waking up to the state of things on our planet. As part of that you are in a huge rethinking phase of what these things mean for you personally. Your role is to be present and to remember your larger purpose for incarnating now. To be one of those at the forefront of the massive changes unfolding, being a positive example of how to create a more just, peaceful, and loving world.

Be joy-ful and joy-filled
Sat Nam

