I am not making myself very popular with some readers, friends, family and colleagues for not having a total freak out about the US elections and Trump becoming president. I have zero emotional reaction to it, because it is so easy to see through all the lies. In the past months there has been so much struggle, so much division. This election wasn’t for the people. It was an ego battle and a distraction. This was set up to spread a division and to feed the fear. Also I don’t want to feed the Matrix emotional loosh. I also believe magic can come from chaos and that something beautiful is blossoming inside. It’s not like all has been rosy and fine for years. We need a change, a big change, and this may be it. We must step out of fear, anger, disgust and expecting the worst and focus on what we can change in ourselves to be the person that can inspire positive change in our immediate surroundings.

Come to grips

So many people are now trying to come to grips with the election results. Emotional storms are strong, the fears deep, and the tensions high. But please let not get ahead of ourselves and remain calm! Let’s not get divided. Together as a people we are strong. Love is strong, so much stronger than fear. We don’t need politics to decide how we feel and how we want to see the world. All this worry is a self-fulfilling prophecy of chaos. Please do not feed the fear. We have to change our own lives, we hat to look at what we are doing that’s contributing to what’s happening out there. Quit the blame and change your effect on the world. We have to heal collectively and unite in peace and love.

No more apathy

Perhaps Trump’s election is a good thing and helps people wake up and take back their power. Let this be an opportunity to practice unconditional love. Directing fear, worry and hate will not elevate this situation. Please hold a high vibration and focus on a positive outcome. No more apathy. We can’t blame anyone in power if we are not aligning our actions to co-creating a better world for ourselves, our families and our children.

No real choice

When I think about it rationally, there really wasn’t a choice. If you control what the choices are going to be and give the people two disastrous options. Is that democracy? And let’s face it if Clinton was chosen the US would certainly be going to war with Russia. And let’s look at why Trump was chosen. He reflects a change, a rejection of the political establishment, and this is very positive. Though Trump is not really an outsider of the system, but this is what he represents. So a vote to Trump is a vote against the establishment. Also a lot of people voted against Clinton, not per se for Trump. Clinton represents the establishment and has a career based on corruption. Hillary struck so much fear in people with her actions, people saw through her schemes and dark doings. The same thing happend with Brexit, a rejection of political establisment. The people are fed up and demand change, and that is good thing! So many people are no longer asleep. Now I am not saying I am a big Trump fan, I am not. But as I wrote before, with politics there is never much of a choice, it is all duality and distraction. And democracy is a lie.

Where do we go now?

Where it goes now, it depends on where Donald Trump goes from here. No one person is going to change the world for the better. We have to do that and we have to do that together. I think he will be just another puppet and will not make much of a difference as it is today. But it doesn’t matter as the change is not coming from the political system, it is the majority stopping to cooperate. When we do not cooperate with what the political few dictate us, then big changes will happen, positive changes…. I hope we can all hold that vision and work towards that together and not sit back and wait what politics will dictate us to do.

Deeper understanding

I feel for all the people that are worried about the race issues, women’s rights, environmental movement and many other important rights issues touched by this election. But this wouldn’t change overnight no matter who had been elected. Trump cannot have a big impact on this if we don’t let him. Racism and hatred needs to be addressed on a wider scale, not just with the elections. Let us together break through the illusion to pave the way to understanding. Hatred and fear are only feeding the dark forces. The ugly truth has revealed itself out of the shadows, let it pour out into the light. If you feel grief or sadness, feel it, but don’t stop there, let it be a doorway to deeper understanding and an opportunity for individual and collective growth. Turn on your observer, step back and ask how you can be a healing agent. We are being challenged to find our neutral, be wise enough to listen to the pain, feel the struggle, but keep our hearts open. We all have a role to play, our job is to bring our best vision of our life to the world. Ask yourself what you need to do to work together to create a vision for a world that we all want to live in.


I feel very distanced from the whole media circus. Why are so many people focussing on what they do not want in their lives? Be careful of what you create. What do you wish to experience? Focus on that. There has been enough hate in this election, it is very negative and dividing. Don’t feed the negative energy, the loosh for the matrix overlords. Turn away from social media and the media (always a good idea) and ground. De-programme from the lies you have been told all your lies (education, politics, religion, media, etc.) and connect to a higher truth and find and resonate peace inside of you. If you shift your focus beyond our 3D reality, you can let go of attachments which cause you to feel the programmed pain and fear response. It is not about who is president, it is about conscious awakening! There are many truths to be revealed, keep an open mind and stay calm.

Empowered action

I understand a lot of people are emotional and they have every right to feel that way. A major part of awakening is dealing with the shock of realizing that we have given away our power to those in positions of power over us who have misused that power. Government is not for and by the people, it is a construct for social control, taking away your sovereignty. One of the best indicators of illusion within oneself is shock at outcomes to situations. I believe that the situation we are in now will help people find the courage and clarity to snap out of collective brainwashing and challenge the belief systems which hold us captive. It may help us snap out of our fear-based paralysis and inspire us into empowered action. And to quote Paul Levy: “These shocks are like gaps in our awareness that are open doorways to potentially higher orders of freedom. These brief moments in time don’t last very long, however, so it is important to expeditiously go through these portals and take advantage of them when they are available. If we don’t, there are backup systems in place for dealing with shocks within our psyche that can override this potential opening in our awareness and re-install the ruling, reigning mechanical programming within our wetikoized mind.”


Stop following authority and be sovereign. Get into your body and stop trying to fix the world or look for external solutions, as all truth and freedom is within you. Start with self-empowerment and leave all belief systems behind. Step out of the dualistic us versus them. Stop identifying with a nation, we are children of mother Earth. To get through illusion, we have to get disillusioned, become free of illusion. I invite you to question everything your believe and have been told. Wake up.

Hold steady

Tap into universal energy for grounding and love.
Stay in center and not buy into the drama.
Be the person who spreads love and shines the light on truth.
Be the change you want to see in others.
Let’s hold each other’s hands, and hold steady.

Take your time, feel what you feel, but don’t panic or get washed away in other people’s fears.

With love and strength, Charissa xxx