Woohoo the wind is blowing fiercely outside my window, leaves are hitting the glass and it perfectly illustrates the feeling in the air. There is a tangible sense of unrest and rebellion in the air. But also the fresh air of awakening and the movement towards true change!

Stay calm and be peace

Yesterday I attended a 13 hour talk by David Icke, World Wide Wake Up Tour in Amsterdam. In the first hours he told the story of our past and present and then later in the day moved toward the gloomy scenario where we are swiftly headed if we don’t take action (all humans replaced by AI). And so many of us look for that positive change, savior and action outside ourselves, but David Icke reminded us once again that what many of the ancient and modern teachings have been saying, change yourself, change the world. Start with yourself. Change your perception and the world will change. Look in the mirror, start there! He once again has massively fed my fire, that was already roaring inside of me. The lioness has been woken again. I am so grateful to have been a part of the co-creation yesterday and be there with like-minded people who also want to make a change, to be informed for the betterment of us all. Thank you! David Icke reminded me that it is time to look at ourselves, at our shadows. Because if one thing this election has beautifully done and that is expose our personal and collective shadow.

Let the heart rule, the mind follow

Live from the heart. Make decisions from the heart, not from the mind. Follow your heart’s directions. Trust and surrender. Stop fighting. Stop fighting each other. Ask yourself what the world you would like to live in looks and feels like. And feel inside yourself if the way you feel about yourself and your life reflects that. If not, feel, feel in your heart what changes you need to make to experience that state you so long for. The time for excuses is over. You know, your heart knows, what to do. It is time to have the courage, to have the heart to make that change. We are hard wired at a DNA level to be a divine change makers and leaders of positive changes. When we still hold old patterns and we all do and now they are surfacing so clearly in this time of uncertainty and chaos. This means that we have inner work to do. At the same time, we are strong and capable and caring. It is these energies put into action day after day that will make the difference. Don’t worry about the bigger picture for now, if you are in joy and in love, the Archons cannot touch you. They cannot feed of you. If we stop complying than their time of ruling is over. They lose their power and we regain our freedom.

Stay focused

Also I ask you to stay close to yourself, your wishes and desires and not get distracted. There is a lot of disinformation flying around. Please use your discernment. It is challenging for anyone at this moment to know what really is happening. Try not to jump to conclusions and tap inside your heart once again and feel what is true for you at this moment and stay open. Don’t make it a belief, don’t set it in stone. Stay flexible and open minded. For now I ask you to stay grounded and present. Ask yourself questions, question everything. Don’t just accept things because this is what you have been thought or because authorities tell you it is the best thing to do to be safe. You feel in your core when something is wrong. Use your own bullshit detector and your safe haven is inside of you. No outside source can provide that for you. When each of us can take responsibility for our role over time in creating what we have now, we can move into and era of cooperation, understanding, compassion and dialogue. Each person who does the inner work and relates from the heart is helping humanity, for the mass consciousness shifts a bit at a time as each of us do. You are here to show by example what love looks like and what it feels like.

We are in this dance together. Let’s make this a dance of joy!

Happy week everyone,

Much love, Charissa xxx

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