Thank you life for all my experiences this year. I am so grateful for all I have experienced and learned.

This year has been about death on a global and for me on a personal scale. I had to say goodbye to both my parents this year.
A lot of the past years have been spent in uncertainty, getting by, surviving and feeling more and more drained. There was too much sorrow, survival and worry to step up and shine.

I feel I have ‘lived’ on an empty tank for so long and been standing at the side lines of life. Not really living, but just taking it one minute at a time. I lived in a daze, confused and numb.

Now finally the fog is lifting. I feel a new surge of life flowing through me. My head is clearer, my memory is improving, my mood is lifted and I am looking forward, looking forward to the life in front of me, to all the possibilities. I feel my energy fizz and bubble. Ready to pop and rock!

“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” ~Unknown

I am so very grateful for all that has happened this year, even though it wasn’t all fun. But I feel I made a leap in changing my energy and I broke so many patterns, let go of so many fears. I lived in trust and surrender instead of control and from the mind. I found strength in the stillness in my heart and I found love in me. I received so much support from so many people. It broke open my heart with so much gratitude. My love and compassion for humanity has found a new depth. With all that is happening on the world stage I see so clearly now what the bigger picture is. And I see so many people responding differently to control and fear, as they respond with love. This is so uplifting in these dark times. It gives so much proof that we can do this, we can make life great together. We can step out of fear and pain and out of control. We can seize our sovereignty and live in truth.

I feel the coming year will be different as our knowledge and understanding will grow and deepen in new ways. Our capacity for compassion will expand. Our ability to give and receive love will make life on Earth more peacefully and joyful.

But coming back to my word for 2017… it is LIVE!
To expand, to stretch! No more staying small and unseen, but playing out loud, full visibility and full of life energy.
I choose life!

I want to live, fully, to be here consciously, to show up and embody this human vessel. Get out of my head and into my heart. Take care of me, love my body and give it the care it deserves. Reconnect with me, feel my body and listen to my soul.

I will continue to speak my truth and aim to find a clear way to communicate this to you.

I am standing in my power and live my unbounded potential.

And so it is!

And what about you? What is your word for 2017?

Much love & big hug!