Hello you! HAPPY 2017! I hope you are well and celebrating our new beginning! To help us set clear intentions and to give us a heads up on the energies of this year, I am hereby sharing our annual Tarot Year Reading.

I just finished our annual year ahead tarot reading.

I notice immediately that it seems like I didn’t shuffle the cards as so many cards are close together and many come from the Suit of Cups. But I did shuffle and I used these cards a lot already, so this is not the case. It is meant to be like this. I also notice many Major Arcana cards in the start and end of the year which means big events, big experiences and life lessons. And the Cups cards indicate an emotional year, full of feelings and deep intuition.

Here goes.

January: Ace of Wands

Expansion and inspiration. Woohoo! So true I can feel it already. This is what I spoke about in the video I did this morning. My word for 2017 is Live and expand in deliberate intention. This is a month of new growth and creativity. Embark on new adventures. But don’t rush into anything, always use good judgement. And keep it going throughout the year, not just January. But start the ball rolling now. This is a fertile time. Also for women who wish to get pregnant, this is a good month. Just saying 😉

February: The Hermit

This month we feel like hibernating. We need to turn inward and be still. Listen to the wisdom of our hearts. Schedule in plenty of me-time and meditate. Be. Be in silence. Reconnect to yourself. Get out of your busy head and into your calm heart. Step back and focus on the inner realm.

March: Justice

This month we need to make an important but difficult decision. Again tap into your inner wisdom and choose wisely. Do not let yourself be rushed. Be fair and be wise.

April: The Chariot

Time for an adventure. Ride out fiercely and strong. Focus on the feeling of bliss you get when you achieve something. Feel this deep inside of you, this confidence and this deep will to make something happen. We can tap into our inner warrior and go for our dreams. Now is the time to venture out. Focus on our dreams and balance opposing forces via the mind with dedicated purpose. Stay focused on our inner will. Go for it!

May: The Lovers

Ah Spring time, time for love. A beautiful and strong relationship is on the horizon. The Lovers honor and respect each other and with that can go anywhere. Nourish our divine unions.

June: Seven of Cups

This card warns for deception and illusion. Beware of temptation. We can’t see clearly this month. The truth is veiled, there is too much noise and distraction. Take a step back until the fog clears. Don’t make any rushed decisions. Wait for clarity.

July: Six of Cups

Look back upon your happy childhood memories and remember the magic you experienced as a child. How the world was a wonder and there was so much to discover and experience. Look at life through innocent and new eyes. Enjoy the wonder and magic of life.

August: Five of Cups

This is a time of sorrow, of disappointment and regret. Again do not make any hasty decisions and examine your expectations of life, of other people and of yourself. How fair are they and how realistic. Where are we letting ourselves  down and set ourselves up for failure. Take time to examine these questions and take time for healing and moving forward. Be compassionate to ourselves and others. Focus on what we have and know that obstacles will point to true joy.

September: Four of Cups

Keep our eyes open to possibilities. We may feel bored this month and discontent. This card warns us not to take our life for granted. To look around and name what we are truly longing for.

October: Three of Cups

Time for friends and joy. Connection to people with whom we feel a deep connection. With whom we can be ourselves. Celebrate and have fun!

November: Temperance (reversed)

Temperance reversed reflects a time when something is out of balance, in conflict or excessive, and is therefore creating stress and tension in our lives. We may be acting impatiently or refusing to take the moderate, gentle approach. Be wary of hasty action as this will only lead to further imbalance. We are given a lot of warnings this year not to take make any rushed moves. Take it slow. Move consciously. We need a long term vision to hold us steady, to keep us balanced. How clear is your vision? This is a time when we need to reflect on what changes are necessary to create greater purpose and fulfillment.

December: The Fool (reversed)

Reversed, the Fool Tarot card suggests that we may be acting in total disregard of the consequences of our actions and indeed acting ‘the fool’. We are trying to live ‘in the moment’ rather than planning ahead. We are acting recklessly, wanting to break free of the usual routine in order to ‘find ourselves’ but doing it in a way that completely disregards others.
The Fool reversed cautions us about potentially being taken advantage of or entering into a deal where we do not fully understand the consequences of our decisions. If we are offered an opportunity that seems too good to be true then it probably is. It is really important that we do almost a ‘due diligence’ on the opportunities presented to us to ensure that we are making the right choice and not simply going with the most enticing offer at the time. Be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead so that you are not taken by surprise. Do your research and make sure you are well prepared for critical events.

The Overall Theme of 2017 is Son of Pentacles:

The Son of Pentacles is not one to act with great haste or passion. He is purposeful and careful in all that he does. Once he has decided to move in a given direction, that is simply where he goes. He sticks the course and slugs through the mud to reach his goals. He doesn’t always trust easily, but if someone does earn his trust, he stands by them without fail. On the positive side, this attention to detail can be essential. The Son of Pentacles is thorough and has unparalleled determination to finish what he starts. On the negative side, he can fall prone to tunnel vision. He is so resolute in his endeavors that he may forget to look up and assess his current surroundings. He may have a difficult time with changes and flexibility. This card asks us to consider how we’ve been approaching a given situation. We may need to call upon our work ethic, our willingness to assess reality and act accordingly. If we want concrete results this year, we’ve got to take useful action. Just make sure you’re looking not obsessing with tiny details to the detriment of seeing the big picture.

So this our guidance this year. I hope this is of help and guidance to you and gives you inspiration and a heads up when we and where we need to be alert. Let this reading be of benefit for you.

I would love to receive any questions or feedback you may have.

Happy 2017, be well and guided.

Much love, Charissa xxx

P.S. If you would like a personal reading, please contact me.