Hello you!
I hope you are well. What have you been up to? I am back home (last Monday) and now back online. Slowly easing my way back.
This trip I came more home to myself.
I needed a break and went to Mexico, Guatemala and Belize to learn more about the Maya (I have always been fascinated and drawn to Mayan civilization) and about myself. I needed a change of perspective and a time out from every day life.

Feast your eyes

Here you find a link to all the photo’s I took and below some photos the information. It’s a lot of pictures, but enjoy!

Secrets within

I am a seeker, I have a great thirst for knowledge. I am curious. I love traveling and learning about other cultures, but I also find traveling is a great tool to discover the secrets within. In daily life we often don’t take the time to delve deeper in our own psyche. Now with a yoga and meditation practice we do tune in regularly and this so helps us tune into our soul’s whisper. But sometimes we just need a change of perspective and feed ourselves with new experiences, new cultures, new ideas and well with sunshine! Winters are too long for me. By the time it is February I am yearning for rays of sunshine. So a holiday in a sunny place is also a healthy solution for the body, get some vitamine D to last through Spring.


What I noticed away from home, away from computers, from newspapers, from television, from other people’s input, that I found so much peace. I already don’t read papers often, I never watch the news, don’t watch much telly or any of that. But actually being in places where there was no Wifi felt so amazing. My body could truly relax. Spending so much time alone (I traveled in a group, but spent most time alone, I am not much of a group person, introvert and I so needed me-time!) really helped me feel peaceful and feel clear. I noticed how tired I really am of all the information flying around. Also on so called spiritual and truth movement sites. And I am not saying any of it is wrong. A lot of it is probably very true. And I used to eat it all up, I so wanted to find out about our true origin and find out how we can be free again. I still do, but we need time to integrate and back up to feel what resonates and what is not right at this moment.

Information overwhelm

At the moment I am tired of all the information, it is wearing me out and keeping me from my true joy, which is self discovery and empowerment. Beauty and love. I feel a bit spiritually burnt out. I need less outside information and go inside more and more. It really is simple, but so hard in practice. The key to the truth is inside of us, we need to stop being distracted by outside sources. I am no longer reading many sites and listening to shows, I unsubscribed from many newsletters and I stopped taking courses and webinars. I am only checking Facebook a few times daily. It feels good. We can use outside information and see if it resonates, take out the bits that feel true to us, but we need to explore further in our hearts. What is our truth. And I feel our truth and our greatest power is love. And now I feel I need time and space to do this. Stop the information overwhelm. Focus.

Mysteries of the heart

Even though I still love solving mysteries such as the Mayan past (and present). I feel we should start within our selves as that is the greatest mystery of all. But it shouldn’t be! We can remember who we are, we can lift the veil. In the heart there is the key, not in the mind! We need to trust ourselves. Our selves need to be trusted, we need to let go of our ego struggles. It is time. Face that shadow, drop doubts and show up in love and innate wisdom. Nothing needs to be solved, it needs to evolve. Let go of that fear to go inside and see the truth.

No longer stuck

We are not our mind, this is only a projection of partial aspects of us. For instance my mind went crazy at the beginning of the trip. You see we had a great delay of almost 28 hours. And I just felt so much frustration, such a loss of control, desperately trying to figure out what to do and how to respond. I felt stuck, stuck inside my body, stuck inside my head, and stuck on a plane in Cuba! I just wanted a holiday and relax! My ego was shooting, ‘why me?!’. But why anyone… really? What makes you so special? I noticed how far I have come. In the past I would have been chewing on this for days, but now I could easily let it go. I am still not happy about having missed our trip Tulum because of the delay, but this gives me a great excuse to go back to the Yucatan, perhaps next year.

Joy in being

I fell in love with Guatemala and the Yucatan, their culture, the people, the colors, nature. It was grand. Also I noticed I didn’t get triggered much by the group. As I said I am an introvert and I don’t like groups much, I like to keep to myself, I like to explore on my own, I like to wander. They sort of intimidate me. But I noticed not any longer. It was absolutely fine and I felt safe to be myself, my own weird self, no pretending. Also other people’s so called negative habits and quirks didn’t bother me. Wow how this was different in the past. I remember one person on a trip once who managed to ruin (well I let her) my holiday with her negative behavior. Also it was surprisingly easy to follow a guide. Listen, follow like a sheep, stop thinking and well just surrendering to what is. It was also nice not having to carry a bag pack, having luggage brought to the room and moving around in the same bus (no public transport, okay this is usually part of the fun, but it can also be stressful). I am doing surprisingly well in letting go of the need to be in control and just enjoy. Enjoy being, not doing.


During this trip a calmness fell over me. Even though it was a rough trip, we spent about 400 km in the bus in two weeks time, we had very short nights and some set backs, such as detours, delays and road blocks. I guess all the sleep deprivation and just sitting in the bus helped me to surrender. Yoga was also a life saver. Chair yoga (what I teach with Biz-y Yoga) can be done anywhere, in buses, hotel rooms, airports…if I didn’t have this daily practice I am sure I would now be on the chiropractors table. But no pain whatsoever! So grateful!

Travel more

I now feel so serene and alive. Inspired and grateful. This so reminded me I need to travel more often. I hadn’t for a while because I didn’t want to leave my mother in case her illness would get worse. And also lack of money, but once again I found that investing in travel is so worth it. Invest in experiences not in things, don’t wait with living until all is perfect. It probably never is because our mind always finds excuses. I would like to remind myself of my word for 2017:
Live – https://www.joyincreation.com/2016/12/31/my-word-for-2017/

Fill your cup

Again just be and be love, do what you love and brings you joy. In order to be your best, you need to fill your cup first.
Personally I need to stop juggling so many things, back to joy:
  • beauty (making and enjoying art, color, spending time in nature)
  • empowerment of self and others (through writing, tarot readings and coaching)
  • taking care of myself and others (through yoga, nutrition, coaching)
It is simple, but not easy…follow what makes you feel good.
Peace y’all…missed ya!
Happy weekend. I will be back tomorrow with our weekly Tarot reading.
In Lak’ech