
Culturele uitjes (Noord Holland)

Door |oktober 1st, 2021|Blog, Joy, truth|

Iedereen die mij een beetje kent, weet dat ik dol ben op culturele uitjes en musea bezoeken. Ik hou van kunst en cultuur. Al mijn hele leven en heb dan ook een opleiding Cultuur & Beleid gevolgd en succesvol afgerond. Dit na opleidingen en werken in de reisindustrie. Ja reizen, kunst en cultuur zijn toch wel mijn passies. Helaas wordt er op dit moment niet veel gereisd, maar eindelijk meer tijd en ruimte om Nederland te ontdekken. Ik zal wat vaker [...]

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Christmas blessing to you – a message of support

Door |december 24th, 2019|Blog, Gratitude, Joy|

Dear friend, Winter calls us to move inward for quiet reflection, but at this time we are expected to make this time merry by gathering together and seeking comfort in these dark days before a new year greets us. Whatever you prefer, listen to what you need right now and don't let the outside world pressuring you into anything. Especially now, in this inward Yin time, we can be very emotional and vulnerable. Mind your boundaries and energy, so you can [...]

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All I want for Christmas …and how to experience peace, love and magic this season

Door |december 11th, 2018|Blog, Gratitude, Joy|

December, it is often time of ‘too busy’, too many obligations and too much doing. When this really is a time when nature calls us to slow down and turn inward. A time to reflect and celebrate our past year. So many people are working overtime to make the final deadlines and people in retail almost work round the clock to keep up with all the shoppers trying to find that ‘perfect’ gift. And well most of us are feeling dare [...]

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Falling into Grace

Door |maart 9th, 2018|Blog, Gratitude, Joy|

This week a sense of deep gratitude and love overflow me. It is Spring in The Netherlands, the birds are singing, the sun caresses the earth, everyone is coming out of their hidey-holes and life just seems to flow more freely. And I feel giddy and full of life and energy. A hazy shade of Winter The past weeks in the extreme cold (for The Netherlands and time of year) was so good for me as it helped me focus on [...]

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Wrap it up

Door |december 2nd, 2016|Blog, Joy, Tarot|

Woohoo! We are in the last month of the year! After a year of intense changes this month brings in a time of rest so we can receive new perspectives and find new inspiration for our life path. A reminder to rewind and reflect. A month of nurture and self-care and of listing to your higher self and choosing where you want to be and move towards to. Joyful resonance I just had a coaching call and I received some beautiful [...]

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Time to play

Door |oktober 8th, 2016|Blog, Joy|

Blah!!! I am done with business coaching, marketing courses, blogging, finding ways to make this biz work! I don't get any joy from it at this time so I decided to drop all the pushing and pulling and go out to play! Rebellious I spend too much time at the computer. I have a full time desk job and in the evening and weekends I am working on Joy in Creation. But more on a marketing side instead of doing The [...]

Joy & Sadness

Door |juni 9th, 2016|Blog, Gratitude, Joy|

Hello dear you! Hope you are well. Just a short update from me. I have been busy and haven't had time and inspiration to write an inspiring blogpost. Last weekend my father past away. He had Cancer. I lost both my parents only a few months apart. This feels very strange, empty and sort of ungrounded and hollow. But also free and grateful for having known them, even though our relationship wasn't always fluffy clouds and unicorns. I believe they taught [...]

Healing Family Patterns

Door |april 2nd, 2016|Blog, Joy|

Keep breathing, stay calm, take a time out, stop saying the word “busy”, let go, all is well. I kept repeating these mantras this week, knowing I wasn't paying attention to any of it, so it was no use. Practice what you preach, walk your talk. Sigh. It is so easy to live mindfully and from the heart when all is well. But when you are challenged in life and feel like you have run out of energy, this proves to [...]

Invite Magic into your Life

Door |oktober 21st, 2015|Blog, Gratitude, Joy|

The time of magic is upon us. The time around Halloween, when the veils between the worlds are thin, there is a tangible feeling of Magic in the air. I love it. I love magic and I believe in it. I’ve always loved magic... the unseen world, synchronicities, the creative intelligence of the Universe at work. Maybe that’s why I see magic all over the place. Magic is who we are. True creators Sometimes I forget to see magic and miracles. I am [...]

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Strength in Stillness

Door |april 25th, 2015|Blog, Coaching, Healing, Joy, Meditation|

Beforehand apologies for this rather erratic blogpost which I wrote last weekend. I wanted to write and explore why I am feeling so tired lately and whilst writing I kept getting insides and hooking in to different themes. So apologies if this doesn't make much sense or seems scattered, I know it is. But please bare with me and I hope it makes sense to you and perhaps gives you some insights into your own behaviour and feelings. Tired Lately [...]

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