Hello dear you,

I hope you are well and keeping your calm in these confusing times. We are now taking our final steps in a nine year cycle. There are just a few weeks left of this year and it is time to finish what needs finishing. And time to set intentions for the next nine year cycle. Take stock and decide what you are leaving behind and what you are taking on your journey.

Kick start

It is important to make conscious decisions so take time (really take it, no one will give it to you) to feel what you want to create and which patterns are blocking the expansion you long for in your heart. When we are ready to step into our greatness, often our mind comes up and creates patterns of fear, doubt, guilt, shame or lack. The mind is trying to protect us as it wants things to stay the way they are, safe. But there is no such thing as control and safety. Now is the time to shush the mind and listen to your heart. Where do you feel dissatisfied? What have you put of this year but you are really yearning to do? Make 2017 the year that you will actual create this reality for yourself. Clear the slate now to kick start 2017.

Something has to give

A good measure to identify what you need to let go of in order to expand is a chronic frustration with a situation. You recognize this situation when you start to breathe shallowly and there is a lack of patience or unwillingness to accept what is. When you feel frenetic, forcing, holding or when there is a push/pull quality to your energy. You sense tension in you neck, back, jaw, or shoulder. And when you start talking in absolutes. These are indicators that something has to give. Give yourself the time and space to understand and feel what stands in the way of letting go. Go slow, be patient, be kind, practice self-care and rely on the support of trusted others like friends, family and/or a coach.

Be alert

To open up to this kind of surrender you need a certain level of consciousness. We need to be alert of our conditioned mind. The society in which you have grown up has programmed those fixed patterns of your mind. Who we think we are is all based upon conditioned patterns. Patterns come with masks. When we act from conditioned mind we automatically put on the mask for the situation. When a fixed mental pattern appears, all you need to do is watch how it works, what expectation activates it. Do not fight it, but disconnect from the identification with it. Be mindful and alert and notice when you identify with the mind, with the ego and when you are living from your authentic self, from oneness with all that is and your unique expression of this oneness. The more you recognize how fixed mental patterns work, the more the energy that supplies these patterns diminishes. The mind is a means of expressing consciousness in form. Meditation and mindfulness are powerful tools to tame the mind and restore it to it’s original purpose and keep it from running the show.

Programmed ego

However, because a lot of people are unaware of programming and are living life from their programmed ego mind and following old behavioral structures, all growth and expansion has been blocked. Because some people will not look up from their television or telephone screen and see that we need change to grow. And that we need to look at our own behavior first when we see old structures falling away on a personal and global scale. Everything that is out of integrity is coming to the light now. Things need to break apart so we can bring about lasting change and live together in harmony and love. Humanity needs to remember it’s power and compassion and be free once again.


The coming 9 years will see a quickening of this clearing and all patriarchal structures will crumble. Great breakthroughs will occur. Do not fear, as it all is for the best. The time of change is here. It is time for a balance between the masculine and feminine. And the Winter is a perfect time to let the Yin (feminine) energy flow. We see this at Standing Rock Standing Rock where women are standing up against the abuses of patriarchy. They do not aggress unto others but to become stone and sit firm and stand tall. And they take no bullshit from anyone!


Yin energy is the opposite of striving and working hard. The Yin period is a time of recharging, of releasing, of rooting and feeding yourself…of healing. This is why from mid December a lot of women turn inward and don’t feel like working. A lot of women feel they are done with the daily routines and want to rest. For men the yin phase is in Summertime. So all you ladies, for now, these coming six weeks, take plenty of me-time. Practice deep self care. Reconnect to mother nature and feed your soul. Christmas doesn’t have to be stressful, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Do not get caught up in the ratrace. A race that has been programmed by society and other people’s expectations. Don’t forget to give yourself the attention you deserve. Make the holidays about connection, about joy and celebration. Celebrate it in a way that is perfect for you! Not to impress others. Ask yourself how you recharge yourself and make that priority number one. Soothe your soul. Rest and rejuvenate.

Crystal clear

So now is the time to reflect an set crystal clear intentions about what kind of world you would like to live in. I am taking time this weekend to relax and express my vision for the world and on a personal level what I am going to create in 2017 to help this vision manifest. There are all sorts of ways to express your vision. Be it a vision board, through writing, art, dancing, music, pick what makes your heart sing. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do it. If you like please share in the comments below what your way of expressing your vision is. Please inspire others, thank you.

We so often get distracted by day to day living that we forget the most important part and that is to set clear intentions. To be mindful of them and put the action steps toward this vision into action. So take this time and give your gift to the world through creative expression and clear intentions.

Next year is all about being sovereignty and empowered, with a focus on individual strengthening, discerning, and focus.

Happy December everyone!

Much Love, Charissa


Gift Vouchers available

Are you looking for a unique present for a loved one? Bless them with the gift of clarity, empowerment and joy. A voucher for a reading, healing or art work is a great gift idea!

I can make the vouchers out to the amount you wish. The vouchers can be spend on a healing, reading or on a work of art from my Etsy store. These are not valid for coaching.  I can send you an e-voucher or a printed voucher, which you prefer.

Please contact me to order or if you have any questions on Charissa@Joyincreation.com

Year ahead readings now available

A year reading is a great tool to help you navigate the new year and start with new insights and clarity.

For the year reading I provide you with information for each month and the best right actions for you to take. It is up to you how you apply this information. I also read the overall energy of the year and ideas how to best work with these energies throughout the year. This elaborate reading is typed out with photographs, so you can refer back to it throughout the year. And as a bonus you will also receive a high quality print of your personal Card of the Year in the post. You can place this card somewhere you see it often, so you are reminded of your path and your intentions for the coming year. I will infuse this card with healing energies.

This is a beautiful gift to give yourself or someone you love.

More information about the readings you can read here https://www.joyincreation.com/oracle-card-readings/

Energy exchange: 55 euro/USD (I also accept PayPal). Please contact me if you are interested or if you have any questions.