Happy September!

Are You Ready for Autumn?

September is a time of transformation and an invitation to balance. The leaves are starting to fall and the trees are releasing their heavy fruits for harvest. Time to get ourselves and house in order and prepare for Winter.

Tomorrow, September 9th the New Moon is in Virgo and this it the perfect time for taking inventory of your life. Are you going in the right direction or do you need to course correct? What areas in your life need attention and fine-tuning?


A New Moon means that the moon (as seen from our viewpoint) aligns with the sun, so that only the right side of the moon is illuminated, and you only see a dark spot from the earth. This Sunday, the moon is also under the horizon (as seen from The Netherlands), so you do not see anything at all. It is a pity, but also a great zero point to start with.

Because the new moon is the beginning of a new moon month and is often seen as a time to make new plans, to clean up, to think about your wishes. But it is also an ideal moment to decide to experience the entire moon cycle of four weeks. From a new moon (when the moon is in the shade) to full moon (when the moon is already in the sun) and back again. I invite you to take conscious note of the Moon cycles and take note of how you feel.

The September New Moon falls in the Earth sign of Virgo and asks you to put down your heavy load and give yourself permission to start a new. This is a strong day for setting intentions around self-improvement. Virgo’s energy is methodical, systematic and grounded, so it’s also excellent for creating order in your world – coupled with the Mercury in Virgo, there is no better time of year than today for a complete declutter. As Virgo is an Earth sign it asks us to focus on our bodies, health and home. I will be cleaning house and cleaning out my closet, putting away the Summer cloths and putting in Fall items and also be donating things I don’t need anymore to people in need. And I have already started a physical and mental detox to support my liver. Time for a clean slate and more balance. I feel truly inspired and empowered. And as a double Libra balance is so my thing!


Also I will be doing a ritual, as rituals make intentions real.

A ritual is personal act, which causes that one will reach his/her goal. But it is not just matter of one’s will. The ritual means that one trusts the higher powers and is able to bring a sacrifice. Only real trust in oneself can bring desired result.

As I am working through digestive issues right now I will be focusing on getting my body back in order. As Virgo rules the abdomen, intestines, bowels and digestive system – the body’s own mechanism for sorting, reducing and releasing the food we ingest, so that the most energy and the least obstruction remains, this is perfect timing.

I received a few questions on what kind of rituals I do. And I have been pondering on how to answer this. This is not because I sacrifice animals or anything (also a thing people seem to associate still with witches and rituals), but it has to do with that rituals are very personal and that sharing a spell breaks it’s power. As you know I don’t have a problem with sharing personal stuff, if any I have the tendency to overshare. But rituals are sacred, magic and very personal. What works for me may not work for you. And it is also not to be taken lightly. It is a lot of trial and error. It is a lifestyle. I write down all rituals I have done and their results. And it is a study. A study of correspondences and history. It is not like a recipe book you can just share and works the same for everyone. But the most perfect thing about magic is that your intention is most important. A simple ritual can be so much more such as simple writing of problems on a paper, burning the paper and burying it in the garden.


So use your imagination and creativity and study, and try! But do always protect yourself and use your head! Use your intuition, only do what feels right to you. Personally I only work solitary and always in a cast circle, but use your own discernment please. Magic is not something just to dabble in and take lightly.

But that being said, happy exploring, happy releasing and organizing and now make magic happen!

Working with ritual doesn’t mean sitting around waiting for magic to happen! It’s important to commit practically to the releases you have already committed to energetically. So this could look like clearing away excess stuff from your home, go through your inbox or your social media account and schedule and plan what needs to be done in your life to move forward and how this should be tackled (or perhaps it shouldn’t be and it can be crossed of your list), in other words get yourself organized… begin to make tangible changes to allow the magic of your ritual to flow through your life!

New Moon blessings to you.

Charismagic (lolz… someone called me this once and it sort of stuck, always thought about using it for a course or something, perhaps even rename my biz, instead of Joy in Creation, Charismagic… 😉 – who knows 😉
