Dear friend,

How are you? How was Christmas for you. I hope you are now enjoying me-time and taking time to rest and reflect, but also look forward to the new year.

I had a lovely Christmas. In The Netherlands we celebrate two Christmas days, the 25th and 26th of December. The first day I spent at friends’ house with other friends, this is becoming a wonderful tradition, enjoying each others company, conversations, good food and drinks and card games (and non-stop Christmas music, yay!!).

On the second Christmas day I went into town (Amsterdam) and indulged in musea. I visited musea in Amsterdam and wandered through the streets enjoying the lights. I visited Willet-Holthuysen, Foam and Stadsarchief Amsterdam. Willet-Holthuysen decorated the house beautifully and in the afternoon there were people singing throughout the house. In the morning I was there all by myself, magical as that almost never happens in Amsterdam.

More pictures under this link

Wishing you beautiful last days of 2019. Are you ready for the new decade?

Thank you for joining me at this Dark Moon in Capricorn time. A Dark Moon as it takes the Moon a couple of days to show a new sickle of light again, this is the true New Moon. Now the sky is dark. A time for reflection and rest. It’s been a powerful week in the cosmos, coming out of Solstice, into a New Moon and Solar Eclipse.

This first New Moon after Midwinter heralds the door to a new beginning together with the solar eclipse. The longest night is behind us and in the new cycle the light will increase a little every day.

This is a time for evaluation, a time of silence to determine which doors you want to close and which you want to open. What old things, patterns or behaviors do you leave behind?

We also experienced a partial solar eclipse on December 26th. The image that you have of yourself will, as it were, be temporarily put in the shade and that can be confusing as you cannot see the big picture for a moment. This becomes clear in the coming months. The partial eclipse is not visible with us, but the effect does last half a year. The Moon is in Capricorn, and associated qualities such as completion, discipline, loyalty, and the perseverance to actually make or manifest something will help you make new goals viable. A solar eclipse often provides a turning point in our lives. We can become aware of the fact that we want things different in our lives and make important decisions for that. Because the Sun is in Capricorn, you can make important decisions in the field of your work. The Capricorn also indicates how you structure your daily life. And you can choose to use your time more efficiently or better use your money.

I always use the tarot when I am reflecting and this spread is by the wonderful Lindsay Mack.

What are the cards showing me?

I used the Vibra tarot for this reading.

  1. Six of Earth shows me that this Eclipse for me is a time of fertility and I can actually see a Moon gate on the card. The Six of Earth speaks of giving and receiving, of offering. I am advised to now pay extra attention and tap into the magic of this cycle.
  2. And what it is that I need to pay attention to is completing a goal and/or cycle. And yes this is what I do these last days of the year, tying up loose ends and making sure I don’t take any extra bagage with me in the coming year. I have just written about my word for 2020 (‘be-longing’) on this blog and it speaks to finding my place in the world. Doors are waiting to be opened. I am The World.
  3. Eight of Water (RX) helps me to leave the past behind and make a home for myself. A homecoming and a place to be-long.
  4. Knight of Air brings a change in lifestyle and yes the past week away from work I have felt so different, so much more aligned, kind and rested. I feel like a different person and can’t believe my stressful meltdown is only a few weeks ago. I am setting the intention to bringing this peace with me to the workplace and not let other people’s drama or stress get the better of me. Stay grounded and be more confident with a sense of determination and direction.
  5. My teacher through this gateway is Temperance. And I always cringe a little when I see this card. Partly because this card is so me (and am sometimes a bit tired of this), always seeking balance and harmony, though this card also speaks of self-control and moderation, two things I am not very fond of, though I am a very self-controled and moderate person, it is just not something I always like. So my teacher is Temparance and I feel she brings me time alone to reconnect and find my inner peace in this challenging transition. And also plenty of opportunities to socialize and wander out in the world.
  6. The Star – woohoo! The perfect card for this time as it heralds renewal, inner clarity and miracles. I guess I can get ready to shine in 2020!

And to close this post I want to let you know I have a few spots available for the Year Ahead Tarot readings. For more information please see this page:

Happy last days of 2019 and see you on the other side, or perhaps sooner.