Slowly I am breaking free from primal emotions of fear (for the future, not the virus, I am not afraid of this virus), sadness, frustration and anger. Slowly I am pulling away from social media and ‘truther’ websites. Slowly I am feeling more creative and have shifted my focus from the pain I see in the world, to my own little bubble. Now this is not out of egocentricity, but because I can only change what I see in the world, by changing my energy. No matter how much I post on Facebook, trying to open people to an alternative narrative from the main stream media, no matter how many petitions I sign or tell people on the street to do their own research and look at the data, do their own math. It is just draining me, I only push people away and most people just don’t want to even consider that what they are told is not the (whole) truth. If people don’t see this now, they never will. So yes resistance feels futile now and I will focus on more creative ways of being. Something shifted at Beltane, I felt an enormous sense of freedom and power and I feel I have been fueled with new creativity.

What role will you play?

However I do find it challenging to keep this flow going, it is like a jerk/push motion, like an engine that keeps stalling and needs to be reignited. I feel a large gap between my inner world and the world I see around me. I do not recognize the world around me, I constantly feel like I am stuck in a movie or game (and perhaps we are)… and it is up to each one of us to decide which part we want to play and if we want to play at all.

As part of this world I do want to make it known that I do not consent to what I see being rolled out. The ‘new normal’ – as it is now being presented – is not normal for me and will never be. This is not what I choose.

And that’s why I jerk and push my way to this new world, this world that we are shaping together. And what this world will look like will depend on the choices we will make as humanity. Do we react with fear and withdraw, let it happen and make ourselves small. Are we putting the power in the hands of someone else? Or do we choose to stand in our own strength and create a new world from equality, trust, cooperation, love, caring and honesty? Do we stand for our inner truth? I know what I am choosing.


Last week, despite all the limitations, I felt intensely free. Now it is as if a new layer is exposed. The inner limitations are revealed and they want to be liberated.

Each time I realize that when I meet external limitations, that these are the limitations in me. The outside world mirrors my inner world. It is an illusion to think that something or someone in the outside world is limiting you. You are essentially a free being. It’s about freeing ourselves up inside. The great thing is that the limitations I experience generate enormous power in me that I did’t know about myself. That is about living my truth and not letting it depend on something or someone. I also experience the love for the people around me, for the earth, for the animals much more intensely.

It is so helpful to constantly increase our frequency, to align with the multidimensional being that we are and with our source energy. With this we create a new energy field around us, which is inviting new possibilities. From that infinite love field, new inspiration is released. Creativity is emerging and that is also what we have seen recently.

Red stands for the People, White the church and blue the elite or aristocracy. By hanging the Dutch flag upside down it symbolizes the elite placing themselves above the people. In the Middle Ages flags were turned upside down in time of emergency.

Liberation Day

May 5 is Liberation Day in The Netherlands, a day we celebrate our freedom. But how free do you feel right now? Freedom is an inside job and I understand (and feel) that. We can be roaming the world and still feel confined, or locked-down (term used in jails by the way) and feel more free than ever. But even though I feel this to be true, I still do not consent with the control being amped up and the new “6 feet society” (1,5 meter samenleving) (did you know we bury our dead 6 feet under….coincidence?).

I’d rather be alone than being forced to exist at 6 feet distance from everyone.

Reach out and touch

We humans need physical touch to stay sane, but also touch is known to improve the function of our immune system as well as reduce diseases such as those associated with the heart and blood. People who feel more affection-deprived: are less happy; more lonely; more likely to experience depression and stress; and, in general are in worse health. They have less social support and lower relationship satisfaction. Touch is truly fundamental to human communication, bonding, and health.

And that is ‘just’ the health side of this ridiculous plan (and it is for our health, yeah right! Since when does the government care about our health?). But practically can you imagine what this society would look like? Imagine…. A world where birthday parties are no longer allowed and can therefore be terminated unannounced by police intervention. We will need to come together in a clandestine fashion, just like in the war, with a risk of being charged by the police. For what??! For wanting to live our lives?! This is a world where you can no longer sit uninvited next to someone on a bench. Where in the train or bus you no longer ask for the seat next to someone “is this free?” as we will live in a society in which every chair next to someone always remains free… or disappears.

The text below is a translation from an article by Boele Ytsma (** DE NACHTMERRIE van de ANDERHALVE METERSAMENLEVING **)

And we are just going to accept that now, that 6 feet society? Because we have been told there is no other way. A society where you never shake hands again, let alone hug or give three kisses (a Dutch custom). Where children and grandchildren can never cuddle their parents and grandparents again, where a brand new grandmother no longer gets to hold her youngest grandchild on her arm, where grandfather can no longer teach his grandson to cycle – “no, that is not 6 feet, grandpa, back off!”. The society where patients in hospitals and the elderly in nursing homes are no longer allowed to receive visitors. Where everyone is estranged from their loved ones when they need them most: in illness or on the deathbed.

Because that is what we are agreeing to, isn’t it?

It is society in which every professional contact is done through glass cough screens or behind face-covering masks. Where you can no longer take anything from someone’s bare hand. A world of disinfectant on every street corner and glove with every touch. A world where a lot can never be done again. No dance parties, no packed festival grounds, no neighborhood parties, no group travel. That’s the society where everyone you don’t know is potentially dangerous, where unexpected encounters can never lead to more intimate physical contact again – and we’re not even talking about sex. Because sex is no longer possible in this one and a half meter society: no romances, no long distance relationships and no one-night stands, no prostitution, no tantra workshops and no erotic parties. It is a society where any form of safe proximity or intimacy is suspect and dangerous.

Do we really want to slip into that society silently?

Every profession is now instructed to make their services and products 6 feet-proof: the shops and museums, the restaurants and terraces, the theaters and cinemas, the clubs and discotheques, the yoga schools and meditation classes, the saunas and spas, the amusement parks and tropical swimming pools. Everywhere distance, distance, distance. Stripes, lines, arrows and signs appear in shops and on the street: “you can go here, not there!” Routing in shopping streets, shopping centers and shops is pointed out as mandatory. Everywhere we maneuver skillfully past our fellow human beings, whom we have come to regard as the danger to society. And those who forget it for a moment, or who can no longer keep the distance, can be fined or arrested by a servant who has the law behind them.

Do we really want to live in such a society?
Do you want that?

In fairness, it is our reality today. No one could have imagined that on January 1. Some people still hope it is temporary and believe in a quick return to our old life. I’m slowly losing that hope. And our prime minister is not one of those optimists either. He asks us to get used to the “new normal” of the 6 feet society at every opportunity. Wouldn’t it be for just a few weeks or a few months, but for longer…? Would this indeed be the normal of our future? Is 6 feet really our future? I hope the optimists are proven right…

And do we give in so easily? Are we going to give up any proximity without resistance? Are we really going to led them lead us like sheep to the new society of cold distancing? It is surprising – perhaps shocking! – how quickly people get used to a bizarre situation. Not only are most of the people very obedient, some of them are actively pointing others to these new rules. Snitch phone lines are now also part of the new normal – snitching is the new virtue of the voluntary “civilian soldiers”. Anyone who is critical or asks questions will encounter great and broad moral indignation. In the (only!) seven weeks in which our country now lives in an ‘intelligent’ lockdown, the atmosphere has already hardened… I wonder how it will be after a few months.

Let me be clear: I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS SOCIETY. I will protect the vulnerable and take care of everyone who comes my way, but I will not avoid contact. My parents and in-laws, my adult children and my friends are very welcome in our home, today and in the future. I will not be deprived of that right. I will not embarrass anyone by crossing the 6 feet distance without being asked, but I will never avoid a fellow human who seeks or needs my presence or touch. I want to keep connecting. I want to live in trust and love. I choose a life in which dangers lie and a life that has an ending. As long as I live I will connect – in love.

I have shared above post by Boele Ytsma because I wholeheartedly agree with his words. I do not consent with our rights being taken away and our freedom being taken from us. I do not consent to not being able to connect and exist in isolation.

Everything has to exist in mind before it can become reality. The Universe is mental, it’s All Possibility. A world of human slavery, suffering and hardship, of artificiality, immortality and manufactured scarceness, where human potential is stifled, and where most people live synthetic lives completely separated from higher consciousness. Sound familiar? We are living in these conditions within the infinite number of possible playouts, because collectively we have chosen it through our lack of spiritual care.

I am detaching from all the doom and gloom, trying to stay optimistic, without being airy fairy. I am focusing on a better future and taking action towards this however I can.

People please wake up from your hypnotized state, step away from your screens and feel your heart. Take a time out and feel and think…and imagine… what do you see?

* note from Self is that personally for me the cure isn’t a vaccine, but freeing ourselves from fear and connecting again!

I wish your freedom and expansion and using your creative powers to build a beautiful new world, where we can all be free to be ourselves and we can CONNECT with our souls, but also our physical bodies. As long as we are in the flesh, we need to come together physically, not through screens, we are not robots, we are HUMAN.

Do not give up hope! There is still a way out of this trap! We need to do this together. Are you with me? Let’s liberate ourselves! Dream Big and don’t let anyone keep you playing small.

“The ground beneath my feet,
I know was made for me,
There is no any one place where I belong,
My spirit’s meant to be free,
And soon now everyone will see,
Life was made for us to be what we wanna be”
– Gil Scott-Heron “It’s Your World”