As some of you may know, I am a Business Yoga Teacher and in the past I offered this as one of my services. I will do so again soon as teaching online also provides new opportunities.
I still teach at the organization I work for and I am so thrilled to announce that my teacher Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa, is offering her Business Yoga Teacher training online in English and in Dutch! Wahe Guru!

The course starts this month, but if you miss a class don’t worry as it will be recorded, but of course meeting live together, though it is online, adds so much value.

You can find more information about the training via this link and you can also now download her book for free ; “Bye Bye Stress in 9 Minutes or Less”. This is a newer version of the book I bought years and years ago and that sparked my interest in this form of Kundalini Yoga.

And for the Dutch speakers, next month Sat Kirtan will release her book “Vergader met Jezelf” (“have a meeting with yourself”).

Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa

And if you are more interested in an online Kundalini school, I highly recommend Guru Gian’s Kundalini Yoga Club. Via this link you can try it for free for 14 days, this is in Dutch only, though there are international offerings available, please see his website for more information.

Sat Nam!