Hello sweet friend,

It is that time of year when leaves turn beautiful golden, red and orange shades, there is crispness in the air, a certain smell and there is that magical feeling that only Fall seems to bring.

Autumn child

Today I was talking with a colleague about how cold it already is in the mornings and how hard it is to get out of bed in the dark mornings. It always takes some getting used to and somehow the seasons just seem to change so quickly. Part of me is still resisting and wants to linger in the sun a bit longer. I don’t like the cold and the bare trees, but I do so appreciate the seasons and I am glad I live in a country that has seasons. Even though the idea of living on a Southern island where the sun always shines, sound very tempting, I know I would really miss the change of seasons. As each season brings their own energy such as we also go through seasons in our own lives. I guess I am entering my Fall as I am turning 40 on the 25th. An Autumn Child.

A time of harvest

It it is the time of harvest, of reaping what we have sown. How has your year been so far? Take time to look back at your life, on what you have manifested by your efforts or your good thoughts. Also think about what you’ve brought into it that you are not happy with. By taking this time to review your path, you can spend the coming months making necessary course corrections so that when Spring comes again, you will be ready for a rebirth.


Each season offers wisdom for the spiritual journey. Autumn is a season of transition, reminding us that our lives are constantly in flux. Fall brings us to a deeper awareness that we live in a continual cycle of dying and rising. Fall is a season for balancing light and dark, letting go and accepting the impermanence of things, it’s a period of change. Autumn reminds us of the impermanence of everything and the fleeting nature of all things. Fall brings to our consciousness death and the challenge to live every day to the fullest.

Balancing light and dark

On the Fall Equinox, September 23rd, day and night are of equal length. this signals the need to balance light and darkness within us. We should not fear our inner darkness, but embrace it as a friend and try to understand with compassion where this fear comes from, because darkness originates from fear. Develop a greater understanding of yourself by welcoming your inner darkness.

Letting go

This is a time of letting go, the falling leaves remind us of nature’s cycles. This energy helps us to let go and release things that are not serving us for our highest good. Not Spring cleaning but Fall cleaning! Get rid of all the mess and clutter.

A practice

A suggested practice for Autumn is walking in a park or in the woods in silence, be present. Listen to the wisdom this season brings. Ask yourself questions, contemplate, let the season and the elementals guide you. Drink in the crisp air and feast your eyes on the beautiful colors. Live, breathe, ENJOY! And while you are walking collect beautiful leaves and branches that have fallen to bring home and place on your altar or other places in your house. Bring a bit of nature inside to inspire and guide you and to honor the gifts of this season.

Happy season to you all xxx
