The Body Miracle

The Body Miracle

I see so many people struggle with their body (image) because of dis-ease, illness or because they feel they don’t fit in with what society or they themselves dictate what they should look like. I see beautiful people ashamed of their bodies, apologizing for the way they look. I see so much discomfort with our bodies. So much insecurity and fear.

Can we all just make a deal and call this BULLOCKS! People it really is a time to love ourselves, which also means our bodies. It is our vehicle on this Planet and it is doing it’s very best. Even though we may neglect it, it is still fighting for you. Why are we fighting this allie so much?! Let’s call it peace and hug it out. Really.

Our bodies are doing the best they can and they need our support. See it as our child, the child we love, the child that needs our support and needs us to listen to its needs. We need to nurture it and respect it and LOVE it. No matter what it looks like. Pushing it away and being ashamed of it is not the answer. Be proud of it. Think of how you treat your body and see how it is doing at the moment, is there a connection. Is it really all your bodies fault? No it wants you to thrive and shine. Work together to go forward not go down in a downward spiral. Punishing your body is not helping anything.

Okay some of our bodies may be struggling and perhaps not providing us with what we would want, but that isn’t the bodies fault is it. And is struggling and fighting it really making it any better? Wouldn’t supporting the body, having compassion, gratitude and love be a better way to go? Wouldn’t the body light up with a little bit of love. Be honoust with yourself. Are you taking good care of your vehicle or are you throwing lousy fuel in it and are you pushing down on the gas when the tank is nearly empty? Just saying…

Infinite Wisdom

The body is a miraculous thing. There is no separation. Body-mind-spirit exists as a continuum constantly flowing from one to the other and they are in constant connection and constantly affecting each other. The physical body is a wondrous creation of infinite power and innate wisdom. The various tissues, organs, and systems of the body are miraculous.

Within our physical body lies the infinite wisdom to create new cells to replace dying cells, to maintain itself, to defend itself, and to repair itself. Your body is on call 24/7.

Your body functions automatically working toward achieving and maintaining optimal health unless we deprive it of good natural foods, plenty of good drinking water, pure air to breathe, exercise, and a harmonious environment.

There are thousands of complicated operations working in our bodies every moment of our lives. We have 70 trillion cells each containing 10,000 more molecules than the Milky Way has stars and all working in harmony with each other.

Like the earth each physical body is 75% water the consistency of seawater. Our blood is essentially seawater in composition. Every cell of the physical body is a wondrous universe unto itself.

Like us each cell has power stations, transportation stations, a communication system, and is atypical with great variety of shape and function. Each cell is a microcosm of the macrocosm … a wonder unto itself! Each cell holds within its nucleus the blueprint to create the whole. All of the DNA from your 70 trillion cells would fit into a box the size of an ice cube. Unwound, that string could stretch to the sun and back 400 times! Imagine that!!!

The DNA in the nucleus of one human cell is a thread that measures 2 yards by 10 atoms … a billion times longer than it is wide. The nucleus of a cell is equivalent in volume to 2-millionths of a pinhead. Two yards of this DNA packs into the cell by coiling itself endlessly on itself. If there were 100 thousand billion cells per human that would mean there would be 125 billion miles of DNA in your physical body. Your own DNA then if uncoiled could wrap around the earth 5 million times! How mindblowing is that!

And let’s not forget about our heart, a pump that beats 100,000 times every 24 hours pumping 6,300 gallons of blood per day through 96,000 miles of blood vessels. 3 million red blood cells are created every second of the day to replenish this blood. Your heart beats tirelessly every moment of your life. Can you even conceive of any of the very latest machinery that could ever match that power, consistency, and constancy? It’s mind boggling! Your physical body is a miracle.

Truly, your physical body is a wonder beyond comprehension even though medical science has managed to unravel and delineate some of its mysteries. There is an infinite wisdom that directs and drives the physical body. There is a further connection with an even greater wisdom that initiates and provides order to all of life on earth and beyond. You … body, mind, spirit … are the miracle!

So go ahead, show it some L.O.V.E.

If you feel like you need help in finding this place of love and compassion, I can offer you my service in the form of healing or spirit coaching. Please contact me if you have any questions. I would love to help you shine and accept the WHOLE of YOU!

Much love and grace, Charissa xxx

Door |oktober 6th, 2015|Blog, Coaching|2 Reacties

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2 reacties

  1. marjanne broerse oktober 7, 2015 om 9:55 am

    Dank je wel,heel mooi en heel interessant.


    • Charissa oktober 7, 2015 om 1:30 pm

      kussies en dank je wel xxxxxxxxxx

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