
Thank you for reading this and sharing this space with me.

We are in the middle of change, a radical shift in perception. So much is coming to light and it is so important that we all perceive this. The more people see the truth, the more we bring it into our reality. The changes that are happening right now have a huge impact on opening us up to learning who we really are. To rediscover our true selves. We have been lied to for so long. Now is the time for Truth. Soon we will know what is happening and why. Some will see this coming and others will be taken by a huge surprise. I am here to help you to get prepared.

Something is stirring

At the moment I am posting irregularly as for me the energies have been turned inward towards self love and healing and that just doesn’t work on a schedule and with a to do-list. I need time alone, in silence, to integrate all that is shifting and transmuting. I have been broken wide open, my attachments are falling away one by one and I feel more and more my real self returning to me. Instant synchronicities are happening all the time and electrical appliances are breaking down around me. I feel strange and buzzing. And I hear Source speak very clearly. It is so intense and so sudden, it is also taking up a lot of energy as I am integrating all of this. I just want to sleep and I feel sluggish and foggy headed, like I am wading through goo. So I just want to be at home as much as possible, where I listen en rest. But ofcourse this is not the way to live and I am being pushed to move back out, and it is stirring.

New energy

I now remember why I am here, at this time. I feel so much new energie, so much I want to share, so much love I want to bring to the world. I just don’t know where to start! I reconnected to my star brothers and sisters whom I was so close to when I was younger. A few years ago, when I nearly died (or died?) the contact was restored and it has been getting stronger since. I called them Angels before, and it doesn’t matter what you name them. They are energies from other realities, other dimension. At this moment I do know that Joy in Creation as is is no longer resonating with me as it is. I have made some changes in the past year, like morphing all the different healing modalities into Mystic Angel Star Healing. This modality is also changing as I want to make it a complete programme which includes healing and coaching on all levels; spiritual, mental and physical. A programme which really empowers you to step into the life, not just one off peeks into what is possible, but something sustainable and life changing. I am now working on redefining my WHY, my vision, and who I can serve. I am creating a new look & feel in order to clearly show who I AM, to attract my tribe and fully step into my role as a light warrior.

Reclaiming power for liberation

Yes Light Warrior, the word light worker just doesn’t resonate anymore as well, it sounds like being enslaved by the light. No I feel more powerful, I am done just cancel, clear, deleting all negative emotions and ideas. I am done sticking my head in the sand and hide from the Truth. I don’t believe not seeing evil will make it go away. It doesn’t work, I tried. For me it doesn’t work and I want to step up, reclaim my power and direct it to liberation and our right to know our true history and finally discover who we really are. I am done being scared of losing friends and people calling me a conspiracy theorist. Call me what you want, I just know that I am done hiding.

Waking up is hard

I want to help you by sharing how I feel and what I believe at this moment. Sharing our experiences is important and empowers us to open up to more love and understanding. Ofcourse experiences are not static, they can change for I change and grow, now faster than ever before. And we are allowed to change our minds, that is what searching and discovering is all about, keeping an open mind and keep digging. Staying true to our beliefs is what makes us stuck and blind. Focusing on and holding on to beliefs makes us very narrow minded. We should not be afraid to let go and open up to new ideas. Waking up is hard and it is hard work. You find out that all that you believed in has been one big lie. That dark forces are real and want to bring us down. They just use us as puppets for their plan of domination. And when you realize this is true and has to be stopped, the search for truth begins. It is hard not to get overwhelmed by all the information out there. Discerning what feels true and what is false. Old beliefs are shattered and at first all hope seems lost. You feel cheated and small. Scared and lost. Anger and sadness may come up. You move through many stages and it is simply exhausting and yet at the same time it is liberating and all suddenly makes so much sense! Some people make the shift quite easily and others may take years to work through all the pain of deceit and lies. We must heal this wound together, support each other and focus on the light. You are not alone!

We create our world

But waking up is also so very empowering. We create the world we wish to see. It is not too late, we just need to wake up to ourselves, to see what mess we are in and that we have the love and power to free ourselves! But we do have to do this and start with ourselves and not sit back and wait to be rescued. I am super grateful for the opportunity of clarity and all the supporting energies we are receiving right now. If I stop and look at only a few years ago, my head spins! I have transmuted so much dense energy. I have felt so much love move through me, as before I just felt numb. I have been reading diaries from years ago and seeing pictures of myself, I really don’t recognize myself anymore. I so forgot who I AM. I couldn’t remember my childhood and now memories flooding back in. I was so connected, so alive, so AWAKE! It all makes sense now and the puzzle is coming together. I see clearly now. It now makes sense that I felt so homesick and misplaced for most of my life. I now know what that urgent feeling, that feeling of purpose, is. It is crystalizing and becoming so clear.

Don’t preach

My eyes have been peeled open. When I look back over the past 40 years, my human lives on Earth, I can see a theme of self care, authenticity, empowerment of others and a great thirst and need for TRUTH! The latter is now so so important. I feel I am asked to help awaken others. Help them wake up to the truth. Even if it is just nudging someone to look outside the box, no to get rid of the box! Start thinking for yourself. I will try not to do this by pushing or preaching (something I tend to do as I so want to help everyone and to change our situation), but by sharing and nudging. Take it or leave it. I have a strong teacher archetype and I am here to teach what I know and to spread information. I have always been hungry for information and for understanding. I am also very empathic, so my challenge is to balance the heart and the mind. I always felt something was off about the world how we perceive it and now it all makes sense. I am aware that I don’t know it all and that I am more wise or whatever than you are. People who don’t want to awaken, who wish to live in The Matrix, I need to let them be. We are all on our own path in our own perfect timing. No judgement and no need to push and pull. I need to let that go.

I just want to say that I am here for whoever needs me. And whoever let’s me be my true me. I respect you, you respect me. If you can’t, please leave my space, you are not welcome here.

I am here to support you

Once you have opened your eyes there is no way you can go back to sleep. I am sharing this with you to help you make this awakening easier and shorter. To help you back on your feet so we can discover and explore together. Because walking around without blinders, and really seeing the world for what it is, is a lonely path. We need to stick together and support each other. This is so important. I want take action and built community, a place to be safe to be ourselves and share our experiences. I am still trying to figure out what the best form is for this community, but I trust the answer will pop up when the time is right. First things first.


I don’t know what the Truth is, I try and listen to my gut, but the more I read the more confused I tend to get. So taking time to feel and let things sit for a while is important. All I do know is that I want to be an active part of this awakening. I  consume lots of information from different sources and feel what resonates with me (I added some links in the sidebar to websites that I read regularly and that resonate with me, not all information, but most of it). I just follow the breadcrumbs and see things unfold. I will share information which feels true or plausible to me at that time. I don’t think anyone really knows the whole truth, it is all on a need to know basis. I do know that all that we have been taught about our history is false. I believe in the power to change our mind. So please don’t shoot the messenger. I just write things down to nudge you to think beyond the Matrix, to think BIG, to think UNIVERSAL! Free your mind and open up. Integrate the head and the heart. Allow this energy of truth to reach you. Step out of judgement and just feel if it resonates.

I feel a sense of urgency to help wake up people. The time is now. We are in the middle of a great shift. We are ready to be free. The Cabal is on it’s last legs and is pulling out their last desperate tricks and try and control us. They will go kicking and screaming, but their time is up. The sooner we all pull together, the easier this transition will be for all of us. The more aware we are of what is happening, the easier it is to move through these times of change.

Now is time to expand

Please bear with me. I can’t direct or predict when information and inspiration comes through, but I will share as well as I can in the moment. If you have anything to share or ask me, please do so below in the comments or drop me a line at Charissa at JoyInCreation.com

Thank you so much for still reading and for being alive at this time. I hope you join me in our quest to deliberate Earth and to claim the freedom that we are. Let’s break out of these cycles and roam free.

Much love and light,

the truth will set you free

I AM Charissa