Balance, it is all about balance. As a true Libra (ascendant as well) I am all too aware of that. A couple of years ago, after years of living in darkness, the day I stepped onstage at a coaching seminar and claimed my depression and severe home sickness, the moment I stepped back into my power and back into the light, that was also the moment I started to block out all darkness. Did not want to see it, did not want to focus on it, it was all Light, rainbows and Unicorns. I believed that focusing on darkness somehow would give power to it and I was so afraid the darkness would return. I learned a trick from Doreen Virtue to clear -cancel – delete all negative speech and thought. And ofcourse this is a great tool and helps you become more aware of default negativity, but it just never resonating with me. It always felt like I was denying a part of myself. And I always felt that I couldn’t be the true me at Angel seminars, courses, days, etc. because it to me I felt it focussed too much on the Light. By pushing all darkness away it was like holding a ball under water… you know what happens next… I became all too aware that bad shit is happening in this world and also within me. I am not perfect and now I was feeling guilty about this as well and a fake. The pushing away of The Dark Side only made things worse! You know what I am not all love and light and I have a dark side (makes Darth Vader noise). And I love that side in myself as well. She likes to cuss at times, wears black clothes (even though I am mad for flowers and hot pink!), watches horror flicks, listens to rock music, drinks alcohol, sometimes craves a big juicy steak, and is in a downright bad mood at times. Hell yeah! So that is also why I am changing (slowly can’t do it all in a days time) the tone of this website and also the way I am in this space. I am no longer hiding the true me, what you see is what you get. And there you have it.

Home Sweet Home

But again balance. I am passionate about awakening, about empowering, about helping people out of their slumber and seeing the world (and the Universe) for what it is. And it is not all love and light. Years ago when I stepped on that stage and finally recognized my pain, that deep pain and longing, as being a severe case of home sickness and then things started to roll. I started to climb out of depression and burn out and started to remember my youth, when I was still so fully awake and in touch with my star brothers & sisters. Memories started to come back and contact with “home” started to be restored bit by bit. These days I never feel alone and very much in touch with the Universe, but also with Gaia. I so lost touch of both my homes. I was so ungrounded and so lost. I love Gaia, I love this Planet and I so want to be here and help safe this library of BEAUTY. For that is what she is! GORGEOUS!

Spark a little Truth

My eyes have been pulled wide open as if I was awakened from a deep sleep. Ofcourse I had read about these things, but like many I just thought they were exaggerated or made up. But now it was like seeing through it all, it so resonated as truth, in my whole being. It is life altering and I no longer want to be compliant. Even though I find it hard to step out of the system because of the usual, such as livelihood, home, money, etc. I do what I can with organic food, no immunization, not reading or watching the news, etc. I try to unplug where I can. I try to be observant of energies and how I experience things and unplug when I feel I am being overtaken by The Matrix. But I am not quite sure yet how to step out of the control without losing touch with society. As I do feel I have a part to play in society. So moving to a closed off community somewhere is not an option (at this time). I want to help with the awakening, right here. Smack in the middle of everyday life. I hope I can do my part with these blogs, sharing on Facebook and also when you meet me. I hope I can spark a little truth, shine my light and open your eyes just a little.

Think for ourselves

Waking up isn’t fun and it is a responsibility, so be warned. The system teaches dependency and in order to progress we need to step out of this system, this Matrix. We need to learn again to think for ourselves. At first you will be confused and feel lost. Awakening usually comes with a bang, at once, suddenly all alarms go off and you see what is going on. How could you have missed it all this years? The hard part now is to accept that you were asleep, just like so many others. There is nothing wrong with you. The Sandman’s dust is so strong and the programming so fierce from the moment you were born, it is no wonder your eyes fell shut. Now it is key to stay awake and not let life lull you back into a slumber. Stay awake, aware and inspire others to open their eyes. The wake up takes many forms and it evolves, be patient and kind with yourself. Forgive yourself and others for not having woken up sooner. But we have to get past the frustration of being lied to and get ourselves into action and start freeing ourselves from attachments to the Matrix. Be courageous and disengage from compromise. Be you and be true. Yep that is the hard part. It helps to see that we, well our ego, really have nothing to lose because all is lies anyways. We need to start from the bottom, grassroots, starting with the truth of our origins and knowing how very powerful we the people, the HUman beings, are.

You are responsible

We also need to take care not to blame the Cabal for everything. We are responsible for our lives, the fact that they are screwing us over and deceive us, only makes it more important that we step up. This could only have happened because we let them, we are still letting them, even with our eyes wide open we let them fuck with us! All that they do is with our consent. We happily live in this system. We totally freak out when something changes in regulations, in our routine and when all false certainty falls away. We support the Cabal to have power over us, by stay supporting the system. If we step up their days are numbered. It is a lot of us and only a few of them. So get up, stand up for your rights!! Come on brothers and sisters!

Heart Power

What we do individually is key. Explore, experience and feel what your truth is. Be aware. Feel it with your heart, for with our hearts we manifest our world. Our heart has the power, remember that. It has even been proven scientifically. The Cabal (or whatever your want to call these bastards) know this, this is why we are being bombarded with EMF, Chemtrails, GMOs, surveillance, etc. They are freaking out, because the power of our hearts is getting stronger. But don’t let this throw you, become even more determent and steadfast in beaming your love and light into this world. Rely on your heart and seek alternative sources of information. Remember The Cabal’s only weapon is our consent by yielding to their lies and adopting their mindset. It is time to disobey. Take back what is ours, ie our lives!

Reclaim your heart and mind

Whatever you do, always tap into your heart and use discernment. I must be aware now, not to focus on just conspiracies and add to the fear in this world. My intention is to share these “truths”. These are my truths for now, at this time, they change as I will continue seeking. No-one knows The Truth and I don’t think there is One Truth or ever will be until we are one again with Creation. I will continue to provide inspiration, nudges, things to ponder and help you look beyond what you have learned and been told. This in order to give us the power and the guts to say “no more!” We need to step up and change our reality. WE have to do this. We will not be rescued by Angels, Star Beings, Ascended Masters, God, or you name it. It is US!!! Together. That is why I am sharing this. I hope the truth pisses you off so much that you will snap out of your hypnoses. At least let me inspire you to do your own research. Always do your own research. And always be discerning. Make up your own mind, that is what this is all about. Reclaim your heart and your mind! We need to step into our sovereignty and our truth. And me outing myself here as a so called conspiracy theorist (yeah right) is my first step into doing this. I am trying to be honest and true here. I hope you are with me. I believe our time is now and we have been waiting long enough.

I so feel a sense of urgency now, this is OUR time. Are you with me?

In love, Charissa xxx