A few weeks ago (21 & 22 May) I attended the Open Mind Conference and it was inspiring and motivating.


On Saturday the 21st of May the Open mind Conference NL was in Centrum de Zonnewijzer in Aalsmeer, hosted by OMC NL. Due to the unstoppable exponentially awakening in society there is an increasing need for opportunities to share information without any constraint. The set up was slightly different compared to the last conferences, as there will be a more ”interactive” set up.

People are waking up massively on the fact that the information that we are being presented by the media with regard to the current developments in society is not the correct view of reality to say the least. It is hearth warming and inspiring to see that young generations are actively taking part in the global awakening. Knowledge Matters leads by example for that matter. All the ingredients are present for yet another mind blowing and important event!

Speakers were Ole Dammegård, Zen Gardner, Louise Sutton, Ian R. Crane, Max Igan and Mark Devlin and hosted by Willem Velderhof.

Please read more about them here: http://www.openmindconference.nl/#speakers

My notes to share with you


After a beautiful bus ride from Amsterdam to Aalsmeer I arrived at the venue. Walking inside I was immediately greeted with kisses and hugs by Ole and Zen. I was lost for words and felt so welcome. I never met them, but I have been reading and listening to their work for years. So imagine my joy! I was one of the first ones inside, so I picked a chair near the front.

Opening – Willem Velderhof
Willem opened the conference by explaining that this weekend would be different from the usual conference, this would be more action-based. And I applaud that, I am so ready for action. This is a time to connect the dots and connect on heart level. We can change our reality if we connect the mind and the heart, tap into Ennoia, our inner wisdom. Actions from the heart are six thousand times more energetically powerful. We need to see what beauty is emerging, beyond all the shit and darkness. We need to add intentions from our heart and have no expectations. The mind always tries to come up with solutions, but information stops the hearts energy. Make energetic deposits from the heart and fuel this with awareness. Connect with Mother Earth, stop information and stay in momentum. We need to energize the reality we want. Don;t ignore the dark, but don’t put extra effort in it. Observe and interact. Stay connected with our intentions. Do not focus on suffering, but for example put into your awareness the people of Gaza when you are in joy. Share the joy.

We are addicted to information. The mind is awake, but this doesn’t do anything for change, action is needed. We need to observe how we speak and have a plan with your action as this saves energy. Focus and be alert.

Ole Dammegard
What if…
What if everything is upside down? Take the eye, the brain tells us we are upside down. The world is upside down. Question everything you are being fed. Love, compassion and forgiveness are the answer. What if your life has prepared you for your task now in this situation? We are living in an extreme situation, we are needed to wake up. Come on! Everything leads to the same thing, so focus on what you are passionate about (be it GMOs, vaccinations, chemtrails, etc.). Find your passion and come from the heart. Don’t get stuck in information, and more information, as too much effort drains and divides us. Get fit, meditate and follow your passion and talent. No leaders, but follow your inner guidance. Make a difference. For instance start an info hub where you report drills and unite people to go there and take photographs. Expose what is happening. Same with chemtrails. Start writing down their routes, track their flightplans, take pictures and share openly. Make a grid, put in the details with time, place etc. Expose the patterns.

Expose but don’t attach to the outcome. Ask Angels for help and let go of fear.


Willem adds to keep it small connect and interact from the heart and stay out of too much information. Don’t focus on what they are doing, go offline and go into nature and seek human interaction. Don’t follow leaders, but find your own power. 95% of people want the same; peace and harmony. We are all united in our aim. In balance we all want the same.

Ole shows another example, the project Cookies for Cops where Grandmothers bake cookies for local cops. Or in war, nothing could stop a canon, but putting sugar in it, shut the killing machine down. Think small, think peaceful. Think love.

Zen questions the futility of information, ignorance will not change anything. Exposure will not stop them. But we do need to expose it to wake people up. This is on an individual level, we need to make a transition, take this knowledge and move into a new lifestyle, lead a committed life. Evil will destroy itself, don’t give it power.

Max Igan
Max Igan stresses intention and grass roots action. He is the founder of the Full Circle Project. I will write more about this very soon as I have started a circle. I greatly applaud this project and hope you will be a part of it too. It is all about linking up and taking local action. Unite in community and heal what pisses this community off. Address those issues. Identify what the local issues are and work on that. Max tells about Gaza and that the average age there is 17 and they are not warriors. They want peace, there are no war crimes being committed by them. He was there for weeks and he was treated kindly. What we see in the news is not the truth. He states that everything starts with legislation. The war crimes by armed forces there are in breech of article 33 – because war crimes are being done in Gaza, all other laws are invalid and they must be held accountable, show cause for whatever issue. All our governments support these war crimes in Gaza and therefor all their laws are also invalid. Now this is interesting and empowering. Ask if the politician in question is supporting this legislation and if so then this makes them war criminals under their own law. Hold politicians accountable, ask questions, tell them they are abusing their powers and need to show cause. Embrace the warrior spirit and let’s take responsibility for ourselves. Freedom is taking 100% responsibility for our actions. Freedom for human human conditions and lead by example in our own communities, don’t be afraid, show you are empowered and inspired, have knowledge of who you are!

The Full Circle Project addresses the root cause, and asks for explanations and this way change reality for the better, this is true wealth.

Boycot the things you do not support. And don’t pay income tax. I found an interesting link on this subject here: http://famguardian.org/publications/greatirshoax/greatirshoax.htm

It is also interesting to read up on name fraud and the power of words and legislation: http://themindunleashed.org/2016/05/the-magic-power-of-words-and-why-words-rule-the-world.html

And legal name fraud: http://legalnamefraud.com/ (when your name is registered at birth, you are really declared dead)

Zen gardner
Zen empowers us to be spiritually prepared and raise our personal vibration. No frustrating trains of action, but action from our authentic selves. These are intense times and we need to draw on deeper empowerment. Let things be revealed and take action. We need to restructure our lives for the awakening is an ongoing process. We need to keep letting go of the concept of ourselves and say unconditional YES and be willing to lose everything. See the glorious wonder we are in. Set an example, live with conviction, be peace and love. Zen stresses the importance of networking and getting information out. Even people in the corporate matrix are now waking up and this is so so empowering and hopeful for wild changes taking place in the near future. Be prepared for these big changes.

Embrace diversity and use triggers to become more aware. See what triggers you. For example the Holohaux. In some countries it is against to law to mention this. Dare you to think differently? To stretch your mind? Read up on it and watch the David Cole documentary and make up your own mind, and heart. Do you dare to question something this big? Was it a hoax? What does this do with you? What do you feel? Don’t judge it, but feel it. Allow. Challenge your beliefs.

Let the proces of awakening be organic, have no stake in the outcome and take time to respond to life. Detach and keep saying YES!

Activism helps people to disengage. Manifest and take action on our compassion. Make a vibrational change. Live experiential knowledge. Talk to people, learn to talk to people. Take care of people and be happy. Willem adds to also talk to Mother Earth, as she is also speaking to us.

The world now needs a different kind of leadership, from love and truth and by example. We need to organise and coordinate our actions. We need to teach to reason, research for ourselves and don’t believe others. It is all about personal discovery and about living your expression. Look internally, at everything we project and receive the changes we need to make.

Willem adds not to forget to enjoy the process of life and transformation, detach from information and seek nature. We can only see reality when we are in contact with this world.

When we try to wake up others we need to beware of not force feeding our insights. (http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/05/19/wake-people-without-a-hole/)
Remember no attachment to outcome, drop the crumbs and leave it. Don’t confuse the mind and awaken the heart. Emotions always come in first and react with the mind, we need to change from the heart.

Louise Sutton
Louise asks us which state we are in? Are we in the U.S.O., the United States of Ourselves? Are we in connection with the Universe and with our feet firmly planted on the ground. Louise is the co-ordinator of the Full Circle Project. She talks about the dynamic of drawing people together in your community, face to face, this builds resilience, trust and communication, the feminine principal.

The focal points will filter out of the circle, the male principal, action and clarity. We need to pierce through the veil of illusion with the spear of truth and take wise action. And also pull people up from the ground up and gain momentum. The Full Circle project is a community connector that addresses issues of concern. Listen to people, ask about their concerns, sit in a circle (empowering) and connect. Get out there, generate action with clear intend and bring the sacred back and celebrate the beauty of life.


Mark Devlin
Mark Devlin is a UK-based club and radio DJ and music journalist. In more recent years he has begun speaking on radio and at events about the dark forces that have been manipulating and controlling the mainstream music industry for decades.

To empower the solutions we much first understand and expose it’s workings. The truth is out in plain sight. Do no harm, but take no shit! There are solutions! The Truth – the art of discernment. Become symbol literate and get them out of our unconscious minds. They understand the natural laws, they believe they are not doing harm as we are not saying NO! That is why all of this is out in the open. We give unspoken consent. Make it clear we do not consent! Don’t vote for example!! They have given us many opportunities, but we are too asleep to recognize them, they see us as ignorant, once you know, their magick is over! it is our responsibility and privilege, it is now or never.

Music used to be at 432 Hz, which is natural and this has now been changed to 440 Hz which is discordant and making us sick. This is now the standard recording of music, introduced by, yes him, no surprise, Rockefeller.

Refuse smart meters in your home, don’t use microwaves, shut down your wifi, etc. Our brains are being slowly fried. Slowly heated, like a lobster in a pan we are not aware of this happening, but it is happening. Do what you can.

Strengthen your consciousness and higher self. Love is so much more powerful than fear-based reality, set positive intend. If not now then when? If not you then who?

The history is being written now, the story it tells is up to you.

Human will + Intend = change

Ian R. Crane
Ian organizes the Altenative View conferences. He is a former oilfield executive and has become one of the UK’s leading authorities in deep geopolitics, where geographic, economic, social, political and spiritual issues conjoin. Once you understand the eventual goal for the global society, then actions in the present, which seem irrational or bizarre, become far easier to comprehend.

Waking up can take years, we need to spread the seeds, the switch needs to be turned on.
He speaks about Slacktivism versus activism. Slacktivism is petitions, likes on Facebook, social safety valves. You don’t really make a difference this way. It is clicktivism and it is a pollution of activism. We need community based activism.

Ian is working diligently in anti-fracking. He also believes in the real power of community, all inclusive, whatever level people are at, their art and skills. All portals lead to a wider awareness, be it GMOs, fracking, chemtrails, etc. Open up the heart and the right brain! Get involved in something. Pick something and get active. Dream reality into being as well.

The powers that were are now trying to shut down our heart connection, defend the heart! You can go off and live in a bubble such as Sedona or Glastonbury, but this is spiritual narcisme. We have responsibility to be of service.

When we are around 35-40 years old something triggers an opportunity, follow the steps to truth.

After Ian R. Crane a few other speakers briefly took the stage and we ended with a beautiful meditation and grounding our combined energies.

I left the building buzzing with inspiration and joy. I felt so supported and no longer alone. All fear and feelings of desperation were gone. I can do this, I can help! I want to spread the seeds and help them sprout. Oh YES!!!


On the Sunday the 22nd of May there was a follow up event at the Vondelpark in Amsterdam hosted by the inspirational young group; Knowledge Matters. And wow what a day. It was great to sit in small circles and discuss together and with the speakers about issues we are passionate about. We could ask all our questions and soak up their empowering knowledge. It was so amazing to sit in small groups with these people. To me they are rock stars! They are so important in my life. I am not putting them on a pedestal, as we can be rockstars too! Not from ego, but to inspire and empower. That is what these people do, help the world from an egoless heart, not being afraid to lose everything. I am just so grateful and it was so great to be with like-minded people. I must admit I felt a bit like a fan girl and couldn’t help myself to ask Zen to sign my copy of his book “You are the Awakening”.

zen gardner book

We had a great chat, he was so kind and his words were really needed. I feel I can do this. I have started making changes to my website Joy in Creation (www.joyincreation.com) and am in process of changing my services that were and are no longer resonating. Times are changing and so are the tools we need to empower us. We need to keep up and not stay stuck in old paradigms of healing and focussing on forces outside of us such as Angels and ETs. No we are the solution. It is all about empowerment. I have also started a circle at the Full Circle Project. I will post about this very soon and if you are from the Amsterdam/Noord Holland area, I would love you to join and get together and take action. Let’s do this.

I love you, I love this Earth, let our hearts sing and heal


Much love, Charissa xxx