Hello, how are you? I hope you are well. Changes are that you feel pretty frazzled as the month of June is packed with intense energies. We are now in the middle of a huge retrograde period plus we are now feeling the planetary alignments which bring Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, the Sun and the Moon into a Grand Cross, which brings up “stuff” we haven’t resolved dating back to 2007. Giving us the opportunity to see and feel these old wounds and shadow aspects of ourselves and finally resolving them and letting them go. We also see this working out clearly on the world stage. Such as the horrible event in Orlando. We can choose love. And that is what I see all over the world. People coming together, declaring change and peace.

Unresolved Matters

Coming out of the Grand Cross energies, we are now plummeting straight into intense Cardinal Grand Square energies pushing us even further to delve into old unresolved matters an providing us the opportunity to break free from all illusion and to see and experience truth. It will bring up all lies and delusions and bring them into the light.

Break open and let go

These energies help us to break open our hearts and minds, to expand to truth. We need to let go of what is not working or keeping us away from the truth. All that is keeping us small and dependent. Now is the time to wake up, break up and open up to love. Love for all and also love for self dear one. Accept all and self, we deserve better and we have the power to make this our reality.

Going in circles

Ask yourself how much longer you want to go around in circles, dealing with the same old stuff (just more and more intense) and having a life of endless repeats. How dull and depressing! So chuck away that old screen and look outside, see what is out there, explore with an open heart and open eyes. Discern, connect and co-create a new story. You are the creator, you write the story.

So the thing about humanity is that we don’t seem to wake up by ourselves, we need a push, we need many pushes, we need a bulldozer. These energies help us, even though they are tough, they come from a place of love. But really if you work with them with intention, they can give you so much power. Power to be the true you and take leadership of your life and to truly be love.

Back to peace

And yes you will feel anxiety (I sure have lately!). When you feel your breathe getting shallow, your ears start ringing, just pause, stop and breathe, breathe deep in your stomach. Stop as you are being pulled in all different directions. Don’t make a choice from mayhem, but first connect back to peace. Be silent and listen. Be gentle on yourself and others.

Lessons and hope

I am writing this all down this morning, trying to make sense of my own behavior in the past week and the lessons I took from this. I have just been feeling so overwhelmed and pulled every direction. Totally wired, like my head would explode. Totally living from my head, trying to put everything in order, stay strong and make sense of it all. Yeah right like that sort of wisdom comes from the head. Come on Charissa, you know better! You feel better. It is in the HEART! That is where it all is. That is where to go to. Things in my private life are a bit crazy at the moment. Dealing with my father’s death, emotionally (I am still working through the grief of losing my mother earlier this year) and all the hassle following my father’s death because he lived abroad. Trying to figure out how to distance myself through courts and embassies. And no one really seems to know how to go about this. I believe that they still haven’t buried him and he is still in a freezer at a hospital. I am so sorry that he is not getting his final wish of being cremated and his ashes scattered over the sea and that even his death is one big money battle. I truly am sad that money brings so many problems and overrules the heart once again. I really hope we can collectively let go of this false God for once and for all and find a system where we can share as we have all the resources we need, they just have not been distributed fairly. You know 65 people in the world own as much together as the rest of the world combined. Isn’t that crazy! Anyways I am losing my train of thought. As usual…useless mind haha!

Good bye

Also this week I received the sad news of a good friend’s mother passing over. My heart breaks for her. Now I know how it feels to lose a parent, it is a pain nothing else compares to. It is so sad as saying good bye and letting go hurts so much. I do know that they go to a better place, but we do have to say goodbye to the physical manifestation of our loved ones and a part of us leaves us to go to another dimension. It feels as separation (which it never is) and that hurts. So many dear souls are leaving at this point in time. I believe their work is through and they are needed to guide us from a higher perspective. Let’s make them proud!


I need me-time. Time to take care of “stuff”, time to meditate, do yoga, take a long walk in nature, time for self-care and reconnect with self. I feel a bit lived and overwhelmed at the moment. It is too busy at the office to take time off and I just feel so responsible and stick around. I am sure my boss would give me time off if I asked, but I just want to finish all my tasks first. That is me, that is my programming. That I need to do what I said I would do. I need to be useful and of help. Blah blah. Days are flying by and are filled to the brim with to-do shit, work and private. This is an old trap, a diversion of me having to feel what I am feeling, a distraction, and I see it and I still step into it (argh!!!!). I see it so clearly with others, but somehow I tell myself that I can do it this time round and I just need to hang in just a little bit longer and take time off as soon as things slow down a bit. And this is crazy! I am turning into a weeping, short fused, whining woman…yuk! I don’t want this. I need to snap out of this cycle, breathe and slow down. Be mindful of my thoughts and words. Stop manifesting mayhem. And believe that all is well. Get out of my head and take a break. So that is what I am doing today and I also canceled my plans for Sunday, even though they were fun. I need to sort myself out and be with me for a bit.

Be empowered

As I notice all around me (and really this is also because that is what I am emanating! Mirroring back to me.) people are cranky and on edge. So that is why I am sharing this. If we know what is going on, this empowers us to make a choice. We always have a choice. We just went into the wrong groove, carried away by on the rhythm of the world around us, now just pause the record, pick up the needle gently and start again. Perhaps flip over the record and see what’s on the other side. Explore, free your mind and energy. Don’t stay stuck running around in circles.

Phew relief

Some good news on closing; relief is coming, it is almost Summer Solstice Time on June 20th (or Winter Solstice below the Equator)! This will allow for more conscious expansion. So please pay attention. Take plenty time to tune in, make it a ongoing habit of tapping into your higher self. And listen, don’t be a wise arse like myself thinking I know better. Listen to that smarter part of yourself. The part that sees the big picture. That part that loves you so much and wants the best for you (even though it may sting a little at first). Focus on what you want and let go off what you don’t want. Stop nagging and complaining about all of that. Just shift and focus. Bring intention to your life and dream big. Bring more light into your life, drink in the sun and shine.

But more about the Solstice in a later post. For now I want to wish you wisdom, strength and peace. Hang in there, work with the energies at this moment. Love your self and the collective and hold all in light. Don’t get distracted by world events and events in your own life that whack you about. You can always find peace in your heart. That peace is always there. It is just not as loud as all distractions. Be still, tap in, be gentle and soothe yourself with the knowing that you are loved and guided.

Holding you.
Much Love, Charissa