Happy Midsummer to you! And Happy Midwinter/Winter Solstice if you live in the Southern Hemisphere.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate the longest day and shortest night. The Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and nature is at its most powerful and bursts with energy, fertility and vitality. Midsummer celebrates abundance, growth, and the magnification of whatever you set your heart to. So be aware of what you focus on (always, but now especially). Also check in with yourself of where you are placing your energies and what matters most going forward. Remember there are endless potentials available to you!

Magical time

Only twice a year the solar force changes the direction of it’s light, at solstice. The moon does it monthly as the light grows from the new moon to full and then recedes from full to new.
At this time it is like the Sun stands still. It’s like the pause between the inhale and exhale and it’s an extremely magical time.


We are half way into the magical year of 2018 (an 11 year!) and the Solstice is a significant turning point and unifying force. The ancients understood it to be an illuminated stage of an inner spiritual journey.


Faerie Folk

This is a time to connect with Mama Earth and the Elementals. This is also what Shakespeare described in his famous play Midsommer Night’s Dream. So this is a good time to work with these energies. But always use discernment because Elementals can be tricksters. So always keep your intentions pure.

Greet the Sun & Recharge

This is also an auspicious time to cut herbs and to celebrate the power of the Sun. Ideas to do this is to make a bonfire, to greet the first rays of light with a Sun Salutation, to say farewell to the last rays of sunshine at the end of the day and to celebrate the joy of light. This is also a great time to build a Midsommer altar or to go to the beach and make a beach mandala. And this day catch the sun, drink in the rays and recharge yourself with its energy.


Summer Meditation

Summer by its very nature is a time of excitement, movement, and energy. There is a lot going on and rather than getting lost in the swirl without direction, rise above and ride the wave of summertime with purpose, lightness, and ease. A direct and powerful way to accomplish this is through the simple practice of meditation to tune in, ground, and reconnect to the summer vibes.

  • Find a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and take 3 to 6 conscious breaths in through your nose and out your mouth (making a whooshing sound if it feels good). Notice the body begin to relax with each exhalation.
  • Now imagine you are barefoot and placing your feet deep in the cool sand of Mother Earth. Notice how this feels.
  • Allow any worry or stress to make its way down through the body and out through the feet and into the earth. See it dissolving. There is no wrong way to do this. Do this as long as you need to.
  • Now, place your attention at your heart center, gently place your hand on this area and say the phrase “lightness of being” out loud or silently several times.
  • When you feel like you are finished, take in one more deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth and gently open your eyes.

Give yourself the gift of meditation and maximize your experiences this Summer. Coming from a place of stillness will enable you to notice and wholly participate in the pleasures, vibrancy, and bounty that characterizes this season.

What do you do to celebrate Summer Solstice?
Do you have a favorite ritual or ceremony you would like to share here?

Happy Midsommer, Happy Solstice.

And a link to last year’s post: https://www.joyincreation.com/2017/06/19/summer-solstice-let-the-sunshine-in/

XX Charissa