13 September 2019 🌕

Oh it’s been so long since I have been in love. I miss those butterflies, that rush you get when you are besotted with someone. I miss having a special person in my life. The past years have been hard, with a lot of loss and healing, the last thing on my mind was finding a partner. But now time has passed and time has healed and I feel so much stronger and open and I feel ready to open my heart to fall in love. However I don’t fall easily and I would love to meet someone that makes my heart race – and ofcourse that this is mutual.

Now I know he is out there somewhere, I just need to pay attention and notice him. So I asked some help in this from the Goddess. Setting clear intentions helps. Knowing what you seek helps. Asking out loud helps. Be clear and let your heart speak. Energy attracts the same energy. That is why rituals and spells work.

I burned some incense to get me in the love mood

With spells, some I do by the book, some I create myself and some are a combination of both. This is a spell by Magic Love Spells and I tweaked it to match the timing and my wishes and desires.

Friday being the day of Venus and 13 has a unique association with the Divine Feminine, this is the perfect day for a love spell. Thirteen is said to have been revered in prehistoric goddess-worshiping cultures because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days). So today I opted for a green candle, the color of Venus.

A color often used for love is pink, also together with green, the color of the heart chakra. So for the paper I choose pink. You can also use a piece of real parchment.

I used a chalice filled with 13 tablespoons of water and mixed in Rose of Love and Jasmin oil.

To anoint the candle I used Venus oil.

The oils I used are by Pontifex Amsterdam

Also needed is a fire safe bowl.

Let the magick begin!

🌕 First cleanse and consecrate the candle and anoint it with the Venus oil then light consciously. Connect with the fire, with the element that relates most closely to love, passion, creativity, and compassion.

🌕 Now lay the paper in front of you and mix in the rose and jasmin oil and put the water next to the paper.

🌕 Take the candle into your right hand and hold it up to the moon, open your heart and spirit and communicate your wishes clearly and with intent, with heart. Build up the energy. Really mean it and feel it.

🌕 When you feel the energy is raised, drop 13 drops of wax unto the paper and focus whilst doing this.

🌕 Now dip your fingers into the water and oil mixture and sprinkle the water onto the paper, again with intent and focus on what you are doing the spell for. Repeat this 7 times.

🌕 When you are finished, thank Mother Moon and pinch or snuff out the candle.

🌕 Burn the paper (not with the candle) and throw the ashes out into nature so the Moon can add energy to your wish.

🌕 Light the candle remains on the following Full Moon and let it burn out, this will seal the spell and increase the power.

Let love rule!

Thank you.