Hello there dear, thank you for visiting! How are you feeling these last days of the decade?

Every year I offer year ahead tarot readings and I always do one for myself as well and I decided to share this with you today.

For this reading I used the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, which is not a traditional deck and a system on its own. I always first let my intuition guide me but for this deck I also check what the creatrix of the deck intended by creating these cards and therefor adding another layer of insights to the reading.

2020 for me here goes:

January – VIII of Air and I may find myself isolation and self imposed restrictions. This is a time to look at my reality, accept it and make the changes needed. I am asked to look at my beliefs and behavior, and most surely to question them. This is an opportunity to take charge of my life, embrace personal power and learn from the past. Actually I am already in this energy because this is exactly where I find myself at this moment. Doing some deep reflection and questioning my choices and looking for new options. Also I am drawing back from an active life and spending a lot of time by myself. So I guess this will last a bit longer and yes spot on, this resonates.

February – VII Love and here I am guided to open my heart to new loves and do what makes me happy and makes my heart sing. I feel this month I will come out of hiding and start taking more inspired action and do what makes me come alive. Or perhaps I may meet a man I fancy (or both, he may come with a new hobby/interest). We will see and I will keep my eyes and heart open.

March – 0 Choice – and this card asks me to take a leap of faith. Choices create reality and I have to determine my new direction. I find myself at the crossroads (see Judgement below) and have to choose to transform and take the action needed. I feel that what has been put into motion now, will really come to play in March and I really have to decide and not postpone any longer, because making choices is something I have a very hard time with and rather not do (yes Libra and Libra rising in da house).

April – XIII Union (RX) -this is the only reversed card in the reading and I feel this card is telling me that the making a decision in the month before may have not worked out so well (so Charissa take note and do decide in March, really decide, not come back to your choice later on) and I may be feeling stuck at this point, there is a sense of stagnation here. I really again need to take a long hard look at my life and understand when it is time to let go so I no longer live in a state of limbo. Accept what is and start living again.

May – XII The Hero – This month I am asked to act selflessly for the greater good. It is time to be the best person I can be. I feel that keeping this in mind will help me decide how to move on.

June – XXIV Faith – Now after having made this choice I need to have faith and belief in myself, trust that I have chosen well and increase my confidence. Stop doubting my choices and start honoring my desires.

July – XIV Self – this card speaks of self-realisation, to be free of labels and I need to really feel that who I am is for me to determine. As I have stood at the crossroads and decided which path to take, I now need to be who I wish to become and take the path of loving expansion, which is a journey of undoing, being and becoming.

August – VI of Air – and yes this also refers to personal power and this month I can seize the opportunity to empower and illuminate my life by my mind and own my thoughts. I need to be aware of my pattern of self downtalk and not let this hamper my possible success (or in other words self sabotage by thinking myself off path).

September – VIII of Earth – There is a time of abundance ahead, dance of joy! This is a good time to think about what the next step ahead could be. Don’t rest on my laurels, but acknowledge success and keep going.

October – VI of Earth – keeps me paying attention for it helps me to remember that there are responsibilities that need seeing to and there is a matter that needs to be taken care of pronto.

November – VII of Water – the issue of October taken care of, it is now time to surrender to the flow of life, relax and let go. Embrace a peaceful, receptive, and flowing state that takes me to the next stage of my journey.

December – V of Earth – Awareness is important and something is not right, I am warned not to take any risks right now and be aware of who to trust as there is a trickster around. I need to be honest with myself and listen to my inner guidance before I proceed.

Theme for the overall year – VI The Crone – and I am so happy to see this card as I have been feeling more and more drawn to Crone energy. I have been doing a lot of self-mothering the past years and I feel I have grown and learned a lot. I definitely matured. Now at 44 I am not yet a crone myself, but I feel this energy more and more. The Crone is feminine power, she is fearless, authentic and brings new purpose. The Crone will work with me this year towards a productive future, but I need to be aware of my choices and remember to be fierce. This is a maturing journey and I am now in my prime, with many fertile, productive, and creative years ahead. The Crone inspires me to embrace true power and potential.

And looking at my personal numerology, my tarot card for 2020 = card number 20 = Judgement. And Judgement is perfect and is so connect to the reading result above! After all our challenges, fires, battles and inner struggles, the Judgement card comes to confirm that we are ready for an entirely new life story. It calls for action towards my mission. This is a turning point, a crossroad, choices need to be made. With a foundation of beliefs changed, ready to move down a different quest with different results to pursue than I ever thought possible. The Judgment card advises me to allow myself to grow, transform, and release hidden potentials within myself.

I hope you enjoyed this tarot reading and you feel inspired to do this for yourself. If you’d rather receive an unbiased and intuitive reading by someone else, please contact a tarot reader. And if you feel so called you can contact me to order your year ahead reading. For more details please click this link.

Wishing you a wonderful and safe New Year’s eve and a magickal 2020!