Welcome to 2020!!

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to you. This month gives us the space to reflect on the lessons we learned this past year and to set intentions for the year to come. Let January be a time to restore and recenter yourself by letting go of what no longer serves you, so you can reconnect to that space of being conscious, being happy and most of all being you.

For the first time in many years I greeted the new year, the new decade with a party (usually I sleep through the New Year’s Eve). And it was just what I needed. It was a Roaring Twenties / Burlesque themed party and it was truly like stepping back in time. My inner Flapper loved it and I finally got to wear my sequin dress! I stayed over at my cousin’s house and this morning we kept on celebrating with a Champagne breakfast! Outside it is dark and foggy, but inside it is warm and bright.

Arriving home I immediately took out my Dark Days Tarot deck and did this spread.


However this is a post from 2017 so there is no Full Moon in Capricorn today, but nonetheless this spread is a great practice to do today. Practicing tarot everyday is great idea by the way 😉 If you are setting intentions and you are not regularly consulting the cards, perhaps this is a habit to start. It will give you more guidance and clarity and the right nudges to make choices.

The Roots & Tree Spread

The Dark Days Tarot is a square deck and can be read in four directions.

The card for me for 2020 is The Devil (RX) and this tells me that this year I will set myself free from self-restriction and other habits that block my path forward. The actions connected to 2020 are The World (Right) – liberation through reflection, being mindful of my behavior and thought patters and reflect on decision from the past so not to repeat them this time, lessons learnt. The other action card is Judgement (Right) – hey my Numerological card for this year! – and also asks for increased awareness and moral processing. A new phase of life is here, knowingly take the next step.

Now all cards are Majors and close to each other, however I did shuffle the deck thoroughly so these are meant to be in these places.

For 2019 the card shown here is Temperance (RX) – lol in another post I wrote that I find Temperance a challenges card and see here it comes up in reverse. Love tarot’s sense of humor. So for 2019 it speaks of disruptive energy, chaos, excess and indulgence and yes 2019 wasn’t my finest year, I felt shaken, unsteady and unclear. And yes I did a lot of retail therapy Tarot deck shopping, which has to stop; a. I have no more room to put them and b. I need to delve deeper with the decks I have. I will now only allow myself to buy decks I am absolutely in love with and keep looking at, otherwise, move on! The same goes for books, I need a couple of lifetimes to read all the books I have. Seriously. So yes buy less in 2020! Safe for a holiday! I so want to travel in 2020. Roots I planted this year are not so great, but can be if I manage to turn this energy around. The Emperor and The Empress both in reverse. So no planning, no vision, not getting anything off the ground, indecisiveness and not taking charge. If I flip this energy I will have a great 2020!

So here’s the bigger plan…

The Five-Year Plan Spread

From the card closest to you to the card furthest away, each card represents a year. Use this ritual as a spirit-born springboard for to reaffirm or rearrange your five-year plan.

2020 – Four of Cups (Left) – asks me to form new relationships this year, to focus on meeting people, go out and bond!

2021 – Knight of Wands (RX) – hmmm this year warns of lost direction (again!) and impulsive behavior. So I need to make sure that I have my vision clear and stick to it and not give into temptation of again doing something else (multi-passionate).

2022 – Death (Right) – phew ready to move forward again after another layer of change. This is a rebirth.

2023 – The Wheel (RX) – yikes, unexpected events, not being able to move forward, heads up!! Have a plan B. ready and also keep breathing and know the Wheel will keep turning.

2024 – The Hanged (Right) – a year of recovery, a return after 2023 and a reconnection to my ambitions and vision.

So yes life is a Wheel of Fortune, it goes up and down. Being aware and mindful of this helps us prepare and know what is happening, this empowers and shouldn’t bring fear of the future. Life always brings lemons, learn how to make lemonade. The tarot is like a recipe book and helps you find the medicine for the pains in your life. I am looking forward to the coming years! And yes it is clear I need a plan, so with these cards in mind I will write a five year plan, no more thinking small and only a couple of months ahead, time for the bigger picture.

Thank you for sharing this space with me and I hope you will also do this reading for yourself if you feel so called.

Also a reminder that my Year Ahead Tarot Reading offer is available until January 6th. I did the spread for myself here. You may choose a PDF file with the reading (with pictures) or a video, what you prefer. For more details please click this link.

Looking forward to greeting you here in 2020!