Happy Full Wolf Moon! The first Full Moon of 2020. This Full Wolf Moon in Cancer is extra magical because it’s also going to be a Lunar Eclipse.

We are in emotional waters now and it pays off to pay attention to what challenges are coming up for you as they might be themes that will play out for you throughout the year.

It’s time to let go or change the things that are no longer serving you so that you can create what you really desire into your life. The theme this month is to reflect on the opposing influences standing between work (Capricorn) and your family (Cancer).

Now as I don’t have a family as such (not as in a husband and children), I consider my friends my chosen family. And I was discussing this with a friend the other day that I need to better balance between work and time spent with friends, but also time with myself so I can refill my cup and be good company. And this is not only physically, but mostly mentally. It is not about time spent that needs to be balance (as in quantity) but it is more about quality and balancing my emotional energy exchange. I have been feeling a bit uninspired and I was seeking new job challenges as the solution, but it dawned on me that the problem isn’t my job, but me needing to work on my passion (my word for 2020 – blog on this coming up soon) and spend my energy in feeding my flame by study and the arts. This brings me balance, not a bigger, more exciting, more responsible day job. I don’t need more, bigger, better, all is well as is, but I need to balance energetically. The new work place is quite draining and I need to find ways to replenish. I am grateful. I just need some adjustment in energy balance and rekindle my inspiration and zest for work and life.

The sign of Cancer is the astrological mother and we are learning how to nurture those parts of ourselves that have been neglected. And yes again I have been too hard on myself, setting too many rules and expecting too much, I am a strict mother and I need to lighten up and be more spontaneous. Play a little darling. And yes you can get your hands dirty, go ahead, create and indulge in your ideas!

For this reading I used the spread by Ethony and I used The Vindur Tarot.

  1. Page of Wands shows me to honor my need to study and create art. I have just enrolled in a new course and I also really want to continue working on the art for my tarot deck. I need to honor the emotions I have around not feeling good enough, but this card reminds me to be grateful for my gifts and don’t take them for granted. This card also speaks to a new career and this has also been on my mind lately as I have sent out job applications (so far to no avail).
  2. Justice is a card I know well as a Libra and Libra rising. I may be stuck in feeling unjustly treated, ‘it’s not fair‘, ugly victim mode, instead of owning up to my own part in my situation. It is time to balance out my life and get off this karmic cycle. Take action! Get back in the driver’s seat!
  3. Six of Swords tells me it is time to let go and release, challenge my old way of thinking and give my brain some room to think freely. Actions that help this are relocation, travel, leaving current situations where I don’t feel seen and appreciated. I feel this can be physically but also emotionally. Don’t get so emotionally invested, loosen up and let be. Also zoom out, take a break, go for a walk. Don’t repeat the same actions over and over and expecting a different outcome.
  4. The Emperor asks me to ponder how I can structure my life better and how can I take my rightful place (2020 is also an Emperor year by the way). How can I claim te space I need unapologetically?The Emperor will not be overlooked!
  5. Two of Pentacles asks me to weigh my options and balance through moderation and adaptation.

Let’s howl at the Moon!!