Happy Pisces New Moon – this is a time of dark silence, a time to reflect and to dream, dream big dreams. Just remember to not let the water sweep you away – stay grounded. Today is a perfect day to start or to strengthen your self-care routine. Feel where your body and energy needs extra attention. What can you leave behind this cycle, what is no longer resonating with you. Set powerful intentions to harness this Moon’s energy and spend some time outside connecting to the Earth’s energy (even though the weather may be crappy such as is in The Netherlands).

I just did this New Moon tarot reading for myself. It is by Lindsay Mack @wildsouldhealing

the reading with the Dreamweaver Tarot

With a New Moon in Pisces reading I was sort of expecting a few cup cards to show, but no, there is a lot of fire and air on this watery day. And true there is a tug-of-war going on between my passion and what my mind tells me I should do.

  1. Knight of Blades shows that there is a change in lifestyle happening, I feel a need to travel and I am again becoming more action orientated and this is true. I am awakening from my Winter slumber and I feel the creative juices flowing more and more. Also I have been upping my game in the self care department and I feel a deeper need for a greater change in lifestyle. I want to feel more passionate about life. Now life is fine, which is something to be very grateful for, because for long it wasn’t fine. But now I want more and I almost feel guilty or bad for admitting this. Who am I to want more? But if I am honest, I do. Midlife crisis? Perhaps. Is this all there is? Perhaps. But not if I have anything to do with it. I am ready to try and follow my passion and be open to where it leads me. Now with the Knight of Blades it is still in the mind, this is an idea, an intention.
  2. Knight of Matches strengthens this as it is the fire, the passion, this card is the brother of the Knight of Blades. But this Knight really has the taste for adventure, not only thinking it, but he wants to experience something new and exciting. This night is free-spirited and creative. Time to put my feelings into practice.
  3. The World is now teaching me that things need to come to completion, this is a time for integration. This is a good thing and not as scary as I am making it out to be Yes this process can be painful, but it will bring so much relief and help me come full circle. Change is more painful when we resist it. Let things end naturally. Such is life.
  4. IX of Matches shows me that I can let things end and come to fruition is by welcoming them with gratitude and with as much harmony as possible. Stay balanced and don’t overthink the process. Accept the feeling of excitement and joy, it is not a sin to want to experience this.
  5. Queen of Matches teaches me to be confident and self-assured. I need to show up, show myself and lead my life.
  6. III of Blades is not a very graceful card, so I am surprised, but I get what the cards are trying to show me. There is healing in grief and heartbreak, it is the allowing of pain and this brings transformation. The key here is allowing with grace and acceptance. Surrendering to the pain of disappointment, grief and a sense of deep hurt. By keeping a brave face and pushing forward I am not allowing the deeper change I need. I can’t face the unknown without a deep surrender to all that is, including the pain and heartache. Grace will come to those that are open to receive and let go of the fear of feeling, of feeling life, of feeling alive.

Have a wonderful new week!!! Much love and thank you so much for visiting!