I only just started watching the series The Witcher as I finally caved and am now subscribed to Netflix. For now I can’t say I am sold on the series, but perhaps I need a few more episodes. For instance The Game of Thrones took me forever to get hooked into. I think I restarted the first season five times, before I started to binge (I think the only series I have ever binged, I don’t watch a lot of television usually). This reminds me I need to post a reading with The Game of Thrones tarot deck sometime soon.

So The Witcher. Again I have only seen two episodes so far and I haven’t read the book. This is a fantasy drama which follows The Witcher Geralt of Rivia, a solitary monster hunter, who struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than monsters and beasts. Well there is nothing fantasy about that. And the series has witches so yay! And their training of controlling chaos well where have I heard that before? Chaos Magick anyone? So I am intrigued.

The WAnder Light Tarot

In the Witcher universe, Chaos (also known as the Force, Power, or primordial Chaos) is the power which is harnessed and used by mages. Sources are innately sensitive to this magical force but are usually unable to master it and many go mad. It is opposite to Order. The Force is said to have become much more prominent in the world after the Conjunction of the Spheres. Chaos Magick anyone?

And then the other day I saw this Witcher Tarot spread and I felt inspired to do this reading for myself as these are some questions that I am on a quest on to have answered.

The tarot spread is by @empressandstar on Instagram:

  1. Page of Wands RX tells me I am seeking inspiration. This card tells me I am bored and I seek some sort of spark of inspiration to set in gear my creativity. This is very true. I feel I am going around in circles and I feel very uninspired lately. I am lacking fire and the want (wand 😉 ) to go for something. To really dedicate myself to whatever it is I am seeking. Now this card still doesn’t tell me what this is I seek and I guess I never do unless I try whatever tiny spark ignites me.
  2. Seven of Cups RX tells me that clarity is on its way! Yay! Direction and a sense of purpose will be restored soon. And I trust this is so. I feel a certain stirring and come Spring and next month Aries season, I am sure I will have more desire and energy to move forward. Now this isn’t really a surprise as we move with the seasons and this energy is so every year. March to me often feels confusing and emotional. Of course it is the watery Pisces energy and for me it was the birth month of my parents who I miss dearly. So March gives me mixed feelings. I feel April will bring more insight and ‘lighter’ energy.
  3. Seven of Pentacles tells me I need to be patient and keep working, keep practicing and don’t get bored so easily, don’t get distracted, focus, endure. There will be delayed succes if I keep at it. I feel this has a lot to do with Joy in Creation, my own biz, which I have been contemplating quitting as it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. And a big part of it is, I know, my lack of consistency and dedication. I need to make up my mind whether is this is a hobby or something I really want to make a business of. Both are serious, a hobby isn’t dabbling, it is something you put energy in because you really love it. A biz is making money. Now ideal would be combine the two. But is it? So far all my hobbies I tried to make a bit extra money with have failed and sucked all the energy out of it. Somehow money drains all the joy out of things for me. And then I read so many articles about this mindset and how this must be changed (the ‘I can’t make money with my passion’ mindset). That it has everything to do with how you value yourself, etc. etc. I used to believe this, but now I am not so sure. For me I value myself enough to give myself the freedom to explore and let myself of the hook for not making money with Joy in Creation. Money is not my priority. Okay I need to pay the bills and I like money to be enough so I can take care of myself by eating clean food and expand myself in the form of books, travel and payment for things such as this website. So yes please I love money for that. As I have stated before, this, Joy in Creation, is my playground and playing should be fun. I feel that when I fully let go of the pressure to make money or to get ‘clients’ then things will flow naturally. And my goal with Joy in Creation has never been to make money, it has been to connect and share, to be of service, in the end that is all I ever really aspired to, from when I was a little child, I always just wanted to help. And again no this was not a need to help to be seen and liked. I really didn’t care about that when I was small. By helping others I was the one that was bullied, if I kept quiet I may have been spared. So no, helping others only brought me pain in the past, but it has never been beaten out of me. I am still here to serve. But I am not serving many people at the moment, not as far as I know as there is not feedback or interaction 🙁 I guess I am also to blame for that as I have to be the one that engages more first! Thank you dear Seven of Pentacles for the reminder!
  4. Three of Wands – huh? This is such a strange card at this position. So I need to banish my need for freedom and adventure? The very thing that I am seeking (see card 1)? And yes again this resonates. I am always looking to far over the horizon. Not noticing that my joy and destiny are right under my nose. This card also signifies teamwork and commerce, so yes again I need to let go of the need to make money with my ventures. Do what I want to do because the incentive is joy! I need to let go of long term planning and focus on what is right now. Work on the work in front of me and stop wanting to expand and move forward. Deal with where I am at first. Let go of seeking for a great vision! Be here now. Instead of growing a practice, deepen it!
  5. Eight of Swords, well thank you very much, I am receiving isolation and self-imposed restriction. I feel trapped and yes as I stated above, this is very much how I am feeling. I was just told to let go of long term planning and looking towards the future, so now here I am surrounded by my own thoughts which keep me small. Now the key here is to remove my blindfold and really see the situation I am in. First clearly see where I am at, before I wish to move forward. There are so many ways to better my situation, I’ll just need to be a little more creative.
  6. Eight of Pentacles ask me to focus on mastering my craft. Haha this card has been stalking me and yes again in line with all the other messages. It is called practice! So do exactly that! Create a body of work, deepen my work and things will expand and evolve naturally.
  7. Spirit advices me Seven of Swords which is again a bit odd as it suggests I steal, betray and run away. Now I feel this is not exactly what Spirit has in mind, but it suggests I keep my ideas to myself for now, focus on my own practice. On the card you see a man holding his swords (ideas) tightly and secretively. I tend to overshare and am too open, perhaps I should be more mysterious (a much better word for secretive don’t you think?). It would give me ‘time’ and ‘space’ to grow deeper and really delve in before sharing. Grow roots. Deepen. So I am stronger and more fertile to grow and blossom.

Wishing you a happy weekend!!