How are you?

I am feeling a bit frazzled after all the storms and rain. The promise of Spring is in the air though and I find myself smiling at the trees and birds who are blissfully singing their songs and greeting nature back to life! Thankfully yesterday was sunny so I spent the day wandering through the city and drinking in the sunlight. Did me so much good!

Now the wind and storms didn’t just destroy what it found on its path, it also removed a lot of dust and debris and reveals what has been hidden and with this I don’t mean just the physical storms as this fresh air is needed to remove all lies and deceit. We see chaos all around us, but not natural chaos, but confusion to keep us in fear so we plea our masters for control. Don’t fall for this scheme! Don’t get swept away by other people’s panic. Breath and connect to your heart, feel and you will know it is safe and what is true. Question everything you are being told. We are being distracted, so focus. Don’t look where everyone is being directed, look the other way!

This is a time of transformation, of change, and this is (most of the time) not pleasant for us people. We resist change and fear the new. Though change will happen, whether we like it or not. If you listen to yourself you will be guided through this instead of pushed in a direction by others. Get out of your head and panic-mode and start noticing the signs.

From the 10th of this month, Mercury is direct again, slowly after this date you will feel more forward momentum again. This is a time to boost your goals and see if you perhaps need to adjust them reflecting on this Mercury Retrograde time. Are your goals still aligned with your heart’s desire?

The Sun is in Pisces this month (until the 21st) and this is a perfect time to tune into your Soul. Pisces is imaginative, caring and emotional (water). When the Sun moves into Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, it signals the ending of one cycle before a new one begins at the Spring Equinox (Aries). So this Sun asks us to rest, heal and regain strength before starting a new cycle. Tap into your intuition and let yourself be guided. You are invited to daydream! There is nothing wrong with daydreaming, forget what teachers told you in the past (generally a good idea) and let your mind wander.


Having (had) two parents who are (were) Pisces Suns I would like you to be aware of the need to escape as Pisces are at risk of withdrawing when they feel too much. Try to keep yourself grounded and don’t use substances or other ‘addictions’/distractions to numb out and flee your emotions. Go with the flow, up and down with the tide and be guided.

This is a time to work on passion projects because you can so much easier tap into a new creative flow and use your intuition. Caring Pisces also brings you in contact with supportive people so you feel more relaxed in sharing and showing your (creative) gifts.

In order to tap into your intuition Virgo does like room to breathe. So time to get rid of distractions and this also means cleaning and clearing your physical and digital space – time for Spring cleaning! And ofcourse your physical, mental and psychic space should not be forgotten, but start with your tangible surroundings. That all sounds great, but be careful not to overdo it as the tidy, analytical mind of the Virgo will sometimes turn into perfectionism. Suddenly you wonder if you are doing it all right. During this full super moon you can recognize the influence of Virgo by an excessively precise and concerned energy. So beware of rigidity and perfection will make us freeze and postpone action which is also needed. So beware of doubt and see it for what it really is, your ego trying to protect you from change and greatness.

Releasing all your worries and accept that some things are just the way they are. Do not try to change things that you cannot control. Do not only focus your attention on yourself and your immediate environment, but also have an eye for the world around you and don’t forget how important it is to help others.

A Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

For this tarot reading I used a spread by Labyrinthos.

To start off, we’re going to go through our decks and find the Hermit card, which is the corresponding card in the tarot to the Virgo zodiac sign. We’re going to use this as a significator of sorts, to help us focus our thoughts on this Virgo full moon.

Shuffle the cards as usual, draw and lay them out as pictured.

  1. Where can I be more organized? – What is messy in my life that needs more structure and process?
  2. What in my life needs to be restructured? – What needs to be analyzed, carefully considered, and rebuilt
  3. How can I step into my role as a healer? – What can I offer the world? How do I embrace it?
  1. Lady of Pentacles suggests that I can be more organized in the home and with my finances. And she is correct as I haven’t been the domestic goddess lately and am sort of waiting for Spring to do the big clean. Now it isn’t dirty or very messy, but there are some unfinished projects and the energy at home feels a bit stale and sometimes stressful (as I want to get to projects done). We are well ready for some fresh energy. Also I have not been watching my spending pattern lately and I have had some surprise bills to pay, so I should really be more frugal (meaning buying less decks and books!!). My aim this year is to make my home welcoming for friends, it may not be big, but I should get past the embarrassment I feel when I invite people into my home (yes my living room is purple!). Either start changing the interior of the house or love what is and let go of other people’s opinions (whether they are really there or I am projecting this onto them).
  2. Funny that her husband Lord of Pentacles brings advice here and he is all about structure, structure of home, succes and finances (and I did shuffle thoroughly). This Lord inspires me to take action on my dreams and take his example in sharing his knowledge and leading others to truth. He advices me to keep a sharp focus on all my learnings and see the wisdom in old connections. There are more dots to connect and I need to return to the foundation of the structure and honor my past.
  3. Eight of Swords is showing me not to be fooled by a false sense of knowing, as the Lord before her suggests, I need to go back to the foundation and discover what is yet veiled, I may have skipped some steps. There are more beliefs to let go of that bind me to unknowing and I need to dig deeper. Move from believing to true knowing. And yes this is something I am working on all the time, questioning everything I know and everything I am being taught/told. I feel and always felt I have a role to play in people remembering truth and seeing past what is hidden. This card once again confirms this.

Happy Full Super Moon! Please feel free to leave a message and/or feedback in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!