Hello dear friends, how are you holding up?

I hope you are well and calm. I am okay, at home for the coming three weeks as we are in lock-down (except for must do trips to the supermarket, as long as that lasts). So I will be working from home and find my recreation in nature.

I was a bit emotional this morning, the thought of no human physical contact for three weeks made me very sad, but I am now focusing on the positive things this challenge brings.

Holiday cancelled

Though I am not so fine with my holiday to the US being canceled. I saved for over a year and didn’t really go on a holiday last year so I could make this big for me relatively expensive trip this year. I was going to do a round trip with a friend through the Southern States ending with a couple of nights in New Orleans. I was so looking forward to it and been preparing and rejoicing for months and months. But it wasn’t to be and it is what it is. Perhaps we can postpone, but with the situation being what it is, it is hard to decide what a good timing would be as we have limited options and we can’t get a refund. Also rescheduling will cost more money, so we will see what we can do, I trust more will become clear soon. For now I am not going anywhere and so is most of the world.


My rebellious side was present very loudly in the past days, not accepting my freedom being taken away, defying what is happening and going out and about not giving a f*ck. But resisting this totalitarian move is also coming from my fear of being restricted and all fear needs to leave…now! Please people breathe and stay calm. So I decided to play along and if any of this is true than I don’t want to risk other people’s health. Because those who are fit enough to survive the virus have a responsibility to those who are less strong, such as the elderly and people with poor health. So let’s mainly do what is asked: wash hands and put our social life on the back burner for the time being.

I had written a long blog post on the C-word and especially around all the fear we are being bombarded with… but I deleted it. I have decided to observe what is happening with curiosity and trying to focus on the positive things that come out of this chaotic situation (and not all the arseholes only thinking of themselves, yes you toiletpaper hoarders!).

Focus on the gifts

I have now quieted my defiance down a bit and feel a need to focus on the gifts this time brings and also focus on my own peace and sanity and not be distracted and annoyed by other people’s behavior. So none to very little social media and definitely no news. I will be updated via work on what is happening. I am so craving a C-free day! This weekend I will make this happen. I will unplug and refresh! For now I have to work and be online.

I suggest you are careful and selective with what you read, listen to and see. Choose programs that feed you, not those that bring you down. And also feel free to take in no media at all and sit quietly with a cup of tea on the couch. Remember stress lower the immune system, so unplug if you need to.

From me to we

A world crisis is a pressure cooker for valuable insights at both the micro and macro levels. Suddenly we have time and space to examine our shared values. We will have to get used to traveling less, consuming less and we’ll experience why so many people have started to feel lonely in our society, even without a virus as an excuse. It is time to shift from ‘me’ to ‘we’ and there is no better time than now.

Release control

This situation reminds us that to focus on what we do have control over and surrender the rest (not to the State but to your Higher Self who knows what is best for you). Allow the situation to be what it is and yes it sucks, but again it is what it is…for now. Things will change, we need to be patient and accept that we can’t arrange everything with the strike of a keyboard key. It asks to move along with what the opportunities that arise. Look further than your restrictions, remember you are as free as your mind is. A lot of plans and ways of going about our days need to be readjusted and also things we were looking forward to need to be canceled. Some of us are losing their jobs or investments. We are seeing a lot of things happening now that are beyond our control. Can you be and flow with this what is? And if not, what can you do for yourself to allow to let go?

Things you can control are to take care of your body. Personally I try and eat as healthy as possible (which I always do), take walks in nature, drink in lots fresh air, do regular yoga and pranayama, meditate and focus on trust and surrender. I feel the most important thing is not to freak out and observe from that peaceful quiet place within yourself. Release all fear as tress and anxiety affect our resistance and love and trust strengthen our immune system.

This me-time offers you space to re-align with yourself. Because many activities in the outside world are disappearing, there is room for the question: what do I actually need at the moment? What feels right to me? What feeds my soul and gives me energy? This is a time to look at our lives and take stock on where we spend our energy.

Tarot insight

I did a quick tarot reading to give us insight in our situation at the moment.

Children of Litha Tarot

The All – this is one of the bonus cards in the deck and I feel it asks us to look at this from a higher perspective as we are all connected to the Universe that we are a part of and separate from. This card represents a deeper understanding than cognition. There is more to this reality than we can see. Find your alignment and connect to All that is and you are never alone.
The Queen of Swords asks us to keep a level head. Don’t let our emotions run away with us. Have no tolerance for deceit and no patience for ignorance. Be discerning and wise. Again all may not be what it seems. Don’t give into the fear.
And 6 of Swords shows us that we will move on from this, we will overcome this, perhaps with some struggle, but it will transform us and though we may feel vulnerable now, we are more than capable of following the winds of change to discover our Higher Selves and also connect through our collective Higher connection. Now is our time in our cocoons, but we will reemerge as beautiful butterflies.

The bonus time I now have I will use for study of things I want to delve deeper into, walking outside… a lot as Spring is finally here, making art, reading books and catching up with friends via phone. You know what I am actually looking forward to these weeks of downtime now (besides still working my regular job, but from home)! Working in my PJs (waist down) is actually quite comfortable and the extra hours of sleep because no commuting are very welcome! Nothing weighs up to social contact, but for the coming time, let’s focus on the benefits.

Trust and enjoy the reflective quiet. Be a calm and collected beacon of light to people. Have confidence and keep using your head. Don’t get caught up in the group think mass hysteria and don’t let yourself be gaslighted. Best thing I feel is to walk away from the screen as much as you can and start creating your own fun! So shoo, go…

I believe that we as humans will come out stronger and wiser.

Stay safe en enjoy your me-time!