Yesterday was the New Moon in Cancer and family is very important to Cancerians. Cancer is the zodiac’s sign of home, family, and nurturance. The new moon phase is about setting new intentions, setting new goals and making fresh plans for the coming lunar cycle. Since the new moon is in the domestic sign of Cancer, it’s good to get in touch with loved ones and relatives again, especially if you haven’t seen them in a while. If there are conflicts or misunderstandings within your family circle, this moon phase is ideal for coming to terms with each other. During this lunar cycle you may also focus more on yourself. Do you take enough care of yourself? What about your self-esteem or setting healthy boundaries? Make taking care of yourself, in a healthy way, the new goal for this lunar cycle.

This new moon is known as a “Double New Moon” because it is the second new moon in a row in Cancer. This means that you might need to revisit or rethink your intentions from last month. Look at this new moon as a second chance when it comes to reaching for your goals.

With Saturn directly opposite the sun and moon, wishes and desires encounter obstacles such as rules and protocols. Nothing can happen quickly with Saturn in the mix. Set your intentions with the long haul in mind and commit to them as Saturn loves commitment. The optimistic planet Jupiter is nearby and can provide the necessary creativity to still enjoy what is.

When the Moon travels through Cancer, we are more sensitive to impressions and environmental events.

Your moon sign indicates the ways in which you sought care and support as a child. Usually this is done instinctively in which your moon sign can provide insight. Everyone is looking for food, company, a safe and warm home and everyone experiences this in their own way. When you come home you want to feel very welcome, even when you live alone.

To me all of this resonates so much as I have been missing my family a lot lately. I have a deep need to visit relatives, but with so many of them living abroad(and also many of them not alive anymore) this is not possible, at least not physically. Also my home is a bit of a challenge right now as they are applying insulation to the apartment building I live in. The whole building is in scaffolding and all day long I hear hard drilling, music, and workmen are walking past my windows. So away from daylight and rest I meet my challenge and mirror as working from home is suddenly not so relaxed anymore and finding the silence within myself is challenging to say the least. Topping this off I am also living with a health issue reminding me of the importance of self-care and boundaries. The past months have been more stressful than I may have thought (mind) as my emotions and body are protesting and asking me to slow down and let go of the world drama. Invited to re-focus and breathe with what is instead of fighting and pushing onwards.

Intuitive sign Cancer graces us with emotional knowledge, showing that our feelings are important, and they teach us more about ourselves than anything (or anybody else) could ever. 

So this New Moon, let us focus on the beginning and what you want to do now, what you want to do instead of denying, struggling and suffering, instead of being in pain, instead of being confused, afraid, and overwhelmed by the energy, your life and your fear.

So how are you nurturing yourself?
We are invited to remember who we truly are, starting with self acceptance and self love as this is where true healing can happen.

Yesterday I did a tarot reading for myself to become clearer on my enquiries, lessons and opportunity at this time. I used this spread by The School of Gypsy Arts (which I can’t find online anymore, so I can’t link):

No surprise a lot of Swords, as I feel I need to feel more (;-)), I am spending an awful lot of time in my head, trying to figure things out, trying to come up with plans, trying to think my way out of challenges. And yes it is not working.

  1. Seeker of Cups shows me my heart is curious and inspired, to help it along it is important to dialogue and ask questions to the heart, help it open up to something new. What is living in my heart? What wants to express itself? Consciously connect to the heart throughout the day and ask questions there, don’t seek the interwebs for answers, but ask my heart the right questions.
  2. 3 of Swords tells me that deep sorrow and old scars are blocking me from fully daring to feel and express my true self. Too much heartbreak has made me believe I am not worthy of self-love and expression. I have become cautious and scared of being shunned and disliked.
  3. 4 of Swords aks me to release chronic stress and restlessness. This card invites me to rest.
  4. Seeker of Swords asks me to open up to my curiosity and to challenge the status quo. It is time to make things happen, so act on my passion and use the momentum.
  5. Temperance reminds me to balance, be patient and make my peace, let go of rigidity and remain open to other ideas and opinions than my own. Beware of echo chambers and people spreading fear. Take a step back and get out of strong emotions.
  6. Conqueror of Swords also reminds me to beware of rigidity and living throat up and pushing away emotions and feelings. Pause, reflect and listen to my heart, to my feelings, emotions and intuition.
  7. Seeker of Coins tells me there are new opportunities opening up, new beginning, inspired to dream and rekindle my innocence. Connect to my needs, ground and support my inner child.

Such beautiful and empowering messages and very on point for this New Moon and where I am at at this time.