Happy Lughnasadh!

Today marks the Sabbat Lughnasadh/Lammas (also called Lunasa,or August Eve). This is the first harvest festival of the year. After a whole year of caring for your “crops” and caring for your goals and dreams, now the time of harvesting what you have sown begins. We bake breads, begin enjoying produce from our summer gardens, and celebrate the prosperity of the year. This is a good time to think about what you would like to grow in your ‘garden’, your life and start making plans on how you will be able to grow your crops as strong as you can. Also this is a good time to get rid of weeds or produce that we no longer enjoy or align with.

And yes it’s that time of year already, a time I dread and enjoy (because I love celebrations). The Sabbat Lughnasadh/Lammas (also called Lunasa,or August Eve) soon upon us (August 1st), and I tend to feel melancholic. Summer is heading towards its end 🙁 , with nature not quite as lush, leaves are falling already, and the scent and breeze of Autumn can be sensed. Loving summer as I do, I feel a melancholic sadness in my heart. From spiraling outward since Beltane with exuberance, I feel the spiral inward, as we head towards Samhain.

Symbolically, you can now bake a bread in a shape that suits what you want to harvest, such as a banknote if you want to harvest more money, or a house if you want to move. Lughnasadh used to make bread dolls in a masculine form, representing the sacrificial god of the country. By eating your bread creation, you integrate your harvest and make it your own. The bread is also the symbol for your harvest: without a grain harvest, you cannot make flour and therefore cannot bake bread. 

Whatever and however you celebrate, whether it is Lammas or Lughnasadh for you, take some time to truly honor the celebration. It’s not merely something to check off your list, but a time to pause, reflect, reset, and lean into the life you’ve created thus far. Be present, and be mindful. Life is more vivid that way, and a bit less fearful.

Blessed Be!

Seven of Pentacles

Sketch of Seven of Pentacles for my diy tarot deck 

Do you make time for play or are you always in workaholic mode? Are you currently seeing growth in your work? Are you happy with the return on your investment? Is there something you’d do even if you never received a reward? These are the questions to ask when you see this card. 

I am making slow progress with the art for my tarot deck. In Summertime I tend to play outside and make max use of the Vitamine D we receive here in this changeable weather country and as we have been blessed by quite a lot of dry days this year, I have not been at the drawing table so much.

I have finished the Majors (sketches, black and white, the deck will be in watercolor) and I have now almost completed the Pentacles suit and I am so excited!  I am just loving the journey and perhaps that is why I am taking my time.

This deck will be released for sale at some time in the future. 

On this page I post my progress.