1. What to enjoy
  2. What to be grateful for
  3. What I have
  4. The highlight
  5. To put away
  6. What to prepare
  7. Let go of
  8. What I need
  9. The shadow
  10. Carry forward

The first thing I notice is that there are predominantly Pentacle cards and a King to put away and one to carry forth through the dark days.

The left part of the spread represents the light season (not light as a judgement or opinion, but light as the light season as in sunlight) and the right side shows the transition into the dark season, Fall and Winter.

  1. Princess of Pentacles shows me that I enjoy new creativity and study and yes indeed these are two of my passions, I am always doing some kind of course or workshop or have my head in books and I have just enrolled myself in an intuitive art course (a birthday present to myself) – so looking forward to creating more art and learning new skills and knowledge. Also through daily living I intend to alchemize this into wisdom. At this time so much truth is coming to light and it is a great joy for me to see many more people stepping and speaking up for freedom and justice.
  2. The Fool shows me to be grateful for this opportunity to have new adventures, start a new journey of discovery and gain wisdom by taking a chance on life. This year has inspired me to be brave and open up to possibilities, especially in this time of restrictions. A time of release and trust, step into the unknown.
  3. King of Pentacles acknowledges my sense of justice and discernment and I aim to give helpful advice where I can. In this time of open deception it is important to trust our inner guides and live by our truths. Let us do our own investigation and keep asking questions.
  4. Queen of Pentacles celebrates that this year of lock-down has gifted me the opportunity to connect more deeply and more often with the land where I live and nature. I have deepened my love for the neighborhood and I have visited many places in my home country and allowed myself daily immersions outside in nature to replenish. No more full days spent in a high-rise office with no nature in sight. I miss my colleagues, but the office, not so much.
  5. King of Cups advices me to put away my need for escapism and my creative block. I have been putting off creating (art, new workshops, blogs…) and find all kind of distractions in order not to start anything new. The whole world situation has sort of frozen my urge to create and I have been escaping in work, books and Netflix. And also in hiking, yoga and nature, not sure these are unhealthy escapisms, but they are if they help me spiritual bypass the pain and worry I am feeling. Time to face the music and deal with it, channel my fear and pain into art and other creations, so I can transmute it into creative fuel and healing.
  6. Three of Pentacles advices me to (as mentioned in card 5) build on previous efforts and increase my skills, hone my craft and I am so excited about an upcoming intuitive art course, of which I will share more in the near future. Focus on my gifts and service to others.
  7. Five of Swords asks me to release friendships and connections that are not doing me any good. Don’t put any more energy in people that don’t want to help themselves and drain my energy. Surround myself by people who inspire me and make me feel good. Don’t engage in divide and rule tactics and avoid restricted situations as much as possible. Choose my battles carefully and stand by my truth.
  8. Ten of Swords shows me I need complete and painful endings (yikes!) in order to make a new start. I sort of feel what this is about, also been getting The Tower a lot lately surrounding this part of my life. Can’t say I wasn’t warned, but this is inevitable and beyond my control, so better to be prepared and look ahead.
  9. The Hermit is lurking in the shadows and speaks of loneliness, isolation and a feeling of being let down. Well this sort of has been the theme of the year and I am a natural hermit, so it isn’t that uncomfortable. The Hermit suits the dark of year and his light will guide me in the shadows.
  10. King of Wands inspires me to carry forth optimism and an enquiring mind. Also a need to express ideas with boldness, charm and courage!