Life can be confusing and at times we just feel lost. A lot of elements in my life are shifting and are unclear, such as my job and health and with this other areas in my life are affected. To gain more insight in what the status quo is at the moment, I can better anticipate and make choices. Even though the messages may not be what we would like, it does help us prepare and take pro-active steps.

The Compass Spread helps to find direction, make decisions and move through painful situations. I needed this spread to reflect on where I’ve been, what’s up ahead, and what path might lead me out of my situation in the healthiest way.

The spread I found in the booklet of The Weaver Tarot, used for this reading (I have the journeyer edition).
The spread is designed by @ravenmothercrone and highlights how you are moving through the cardinal aspects of your life to draw a big picture of your current energetic presence and potential.

0. Ether – the initiating spirit – The Seeker of Swords shows it is my time to challenge the status quo, hold my big vision and have big goals. Open up to new insights, stop censoring yourself and rely on community. My time for hiding and playing small is over. Time to share my thoughts and ideas.
1. East – air – the realm of thoughts, beliefs, intellect, communication – Seven of Swords warns me against impulsiveness and deception. I need to be aware of reactiveness and use my discernment. Also I need to stop lying to myself and let go of outdated beliefs. And yes this is very relevant for me at the moment. I have to find a balance between The Seeker and the Seven of Swords, speak my truth but do so in a way that connects not divides and also check my beliefs carefully before sharing with the world.
2. South – fire – the realm of creativity, passions, willpower, drive, desire – Two of Cups, one of my favorite cards, shows happy partnership and that I will be receiving inspiration and have powerful connections, but I do need to open up to connecting with new people and allow receiving good things. I am glad to see the words community and connection in this reading, as life, working from home, being single, social distancing, it is all becoming rather lonely. I am done having the belief that I have ‘to do everything myself’. I am tired and in need of fresh new passion and drive.
3. West – water – the realm of intuition, emotions, relationships, psychic energy – The Moon, hmm the first thing I always think is that things are not what they seem, what is happening under water in the unconscious? What is hidden? And yes this is a time I am challenged to trust and release, a bit too much for my liking, but I guess it is what it is and this is needed, just keep breathing. This card asks me to surrender to the unknown and rely on my intuition.
4. North – earth – the realm of resources, home, security, finance, career – The Tower – oh yikes, this is indeed what I feel is happening or going to happen and not happy to see this card here. But this is the realm where a lot of my healing of fear needs to be addressed. My feeling of security has always been lacking, it has always had an energy of clinging and fear of loss. This is a deep pain I carry and it is being challenged at the moment. This card speaks of rapid unwanted change and losing my foundation, this card encourages me to surrender to this energy and allow life to flow. Use the fertile ground to build again, build something even better and stronger and teach me that there is nothing to fear. Let it go!

Thank you for visiting, I hope this inspires you to do this reading for yourself. If you have any questions or would like to share, please let me know. Or if you want me to do this reading for you, please check this page for more information: Click here for more information on ordering a tarot reading