Last year, for my birthday, I gifted myself a workshop in making Soul Portraits facilitated by @rose.qu.arts.

2020 started full of intentions and promises of making more art, though the collective and personal events of the year distracted me from my true calling, so by September I hadn’t been painting and drawing much. This art course/workshop spoke to me immediately, perfect timing, so I dove in.

I asked for days off from work and immersed myself in full Fridays of exploring art in the healing presence of other women. It was a beautiful and healing experience for all of us and again it confirmed to me that art is not frivolous or a nice to have, art is essential and powerful. As humans are blessed (sometimes cursed) with a creative force which we must use for good and beauty so we can evolve and inner-stand ourselves better. Humans have a deeply ingrained need for expression and art, though so many of us repress it as we were taught it is not essential. Also note how in this Covid crisis the arts are being killed, though artists are crucial to the futures we’re imagining beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Though we know that as long as humans are alive, so is art. The vitality of the societies we wish to return to are vibrant in large part because they sound and look vibrant, because they are full of artists thriving and sharing art in a variety of ways and settings. Our society is vibrant in large part because it is infused with the work of artists.

I made this Soul Portrait for myself

For a long time, and I must admit still, I have been struggling with my need to make art and actually putting pencil to paper as I use the excuse of having no time to create. Full time job, other commitments, blah blah. And my Soul is screaming at me, but I keep distracting myself. I know I need to start drawing and painting again as it is the way the Soul expresses itself. Expression of my Soul as well as the Soul of the person being painted. It is the art of really seeing each other and alchemically using art to materialize the Soul. We bear witness to life.

I made this Soul Portrait for another participant in the workshop

One of our most fundamental psychological needs is to be seen. Not looked at, but seen. Really seen, for all the good, beautiful and worthy parts of us, and what more we can become. Not being seen – by ourselves or by another – can cause us anguish. Deep down, we may feel worthless, unloved, lost or even dying. In some ways, we do not fully exist until we are seen If we are seen as we really are, we will feel more strength, pride, self-confidence, joy and a deeper sense of belonging and being worthy. I feel that 2021 now more than ever with the social distancing and masks, it is imperative that we truly open up to each other and let ourselves be seen.  And with a Soul Portrait, when you hang it on your wall, everytime you see it, you see and acknowledge yourself. This is so very powerful.

I received this Soul Portrait from another participant in the workshop

This workshop helped us discover how we can channel art, how to receive messages and how to convert this into a visual image. Images, symbolism and colors say a lot. For example, sometimes you feel much more attracted to the color blue, but it is not necessarily a color that you like very much. What does that color tell you? Many artists channel their inner world to the outside world. You can feel the emotions and energy; at that moment it feels like you can get under the artist’s skin for a moment. And there is so much wisdom in it. It goes so much further than just some good drawing techniques or having a good eye for color and detail. As soon as you are willing to listen to your intuition and the messages that are whispered to you, you paint in flow, as if the brush takes over you. And when it is not in flow, your thoughts often take over, critical voices that say, for example, that you cannot draw at all, that it does not seem right, etc. And to get back into flow from there is a skill and it takes practice and knowing that you carry the wisdom in you. Art is a teacher in finding our own truth, our own wise intuition and creative power. It is a teacher in trust. Rosanne provided a safe space to practice making Soul Portraits of each other. And it stirred a lot emotions and old habits of negative self talk, doubts, questions, but this is needed for healing, for a deeper connection, rekindled passion, a reconfirmation of gifts and talents and a deep awe for art. 

2020 for me was a year or recalibration and igniting a fire deep within me. All numbness and fatigue is gone. This year I will be offering to make Soul Portraits for others, people I know, people I don’t know. Time to step out of the shadows and let myself be seen.

Are you interested in gifting yourself this experience? The workshop is now online and available here:

My testimonial for her website: “I gifted myself full days of creative play. Days to let myself be surprised by what emerges creatively and intuitively. The interaction with other students and Rosanne’s loving facilitation made it feel safe to express ourselves and just try and do! After all, it is about the process, I have learned again that I can enjoy it and trust it. Hats off to Rosanne’s flexibility, patience and confidence. I am grateful for this experience and I can’t wait to take more self portraits. I now re-member how important it is to share our inspiration and creativity with each other. Good luck Rosanne and I trust that online facilitation is just as good for you, you have already been able to practice online with us. When in doubt, I say do! Treat yourself too. You deserve it