Yesterday was the Full Moon nearest (Wolf Moon) to the astronomical midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox. On this day some pagans celebrate Imbolc, others celebrate this festival for Brigid on 1 February (in the Northern Hemisphere). This is the beginning of Spring. The days are growing longer and here and there some seeds are sprouting though usually February is the coldest month here. Have you seen the snowdrops too?

At the beginning of this new spring, it is a good time to reflect on ourselves and our society. Consider how we relate to the riots, the polarization, the control, the virus, the fear and our love and compassion. So that we can really deeply perceive and feel what the underlying systemic dynamics are in all of these things, but especially what you and I can do inside of ourselves, for the work is done there, not in the outside world.

At this time we celebrate the start of new life, the emergence of nature and fertility. It is the feast of the new light, of the new birth and the new life that arises. Imbolc, “immolk”, means something like “in the belly” or “ewe’s milk”. Imbolc is a fertility festival from pre-Christian times. It is a Fire Festival in which candles and fires play a role. Brigid is a fiery Sun Goddess who fits very well with the Full Moon in Leo. The candles and fires therefore represent the returning warmth of the Sun. With that warmth and the Light noticeably increasing at this time, life also returns. Everything that retreated into the Earth is now beginning to wake up again: it is coming back quickly and that is so necessary for the fertility of the Earth.

Protection and cleaning play an important role in this full moon. This comes from the time when survival was more difficult in the winter, because without protection you would not survive the cold period. Themes associated with this moon are new beginnings, protecting the new, purification for new beginnings and finding your light by following your intuition.

Now is the time to begin the year, shedding the winter veil. Tidy up both outside and inside. It is a time for retreat, attention to your inner light and that which wants to come out from within you.

More than ever, it is important that we reflect on ourselves and our relationships with everything around us. I increasingly see that the development of our consciousness will take us further. We are part of this special life together and everyone has his own place and his share, no one excepted.

Many sources were devoted to Brigid and the healing powers that emanated from it.

Imbolc is a time of cleansing. The dust of the Winter can be removed. And also, old projects can be dusted off and revived, or they can be stored away; so that there is room for the growth of new plans and desires born in the quiet time.

I will be celebrating Imbolc this weekend as my work days (Monday – Friday) don’t allow time for proper dedication during the week. Though yesterday evening, at the height of the Full Moon, I did this Imbolc tarot reading for myself.

Spread by Sarah Knight

I used The Hush Tarot for this reading. I adore the creatures and muted colors and they vibe very well with this time of year.

The first thing I notice is that there are a lot of Swords in this reading and yes I am living in my head a bit too much, lost in my thoughts, trying to form an opinion about world events and frankly it is draining and a useless exercise, a waste of braincells and energy as who am I doing this for? My heart knows so why do I need to find words and proof to help others see my way? I am done having to justify my intuition and inner knowing and it stops here. Time to trust and let go of the need to persuade others of my opinion as there are too many opinions flying around as it is.

  1. PAUSE – V of Swords; as written above I need to be aware of my attitude with others, be mindful of not alienating other people and most of all friends and family for being so outspoken in my opinions about our world situation. I have to let go of trying to ‘educate’ people in order to help them. People need to do their own research and the more I push, the more they will shy away from any information I am, or anyone else is, sharing.
  2. PURIFY – X of Swords; feeling defected, taking on the pain of the world and feeling trapped. Let go of the frustration and prioritize my needs, invest in renewal and hold close what is important.
  3. SACRIFICE – II of Pentacles; I need to stop multitasking (haha where have I heard this before?) and looking at this situation in a black and white manner, not and/or but and/and. Time to release overwhelm, pick, focus and commit.
  4. SOW – The Star asks to focus on hope, though I don’t like to use this word, as hope feels like delayed disappointment, perhaps I should use the word faith, a deep inner knowing. Know this will work out for the best, no matter what this ‘best’ looks like, surrender having to know the details of this outcome. Focus on inner clarity and renewal and help co-create a brighter future. Let it unfold naturally.
  5. GROW – Ace of Swords; creative new ideas, mental clarity and breakthroughs. And yes all the mental energy is accumulating a stream of consciousness and I feel I see things clearly. I am focusing now on studying (the holistic sciences)as I feel the higher mind working in tandem with the heart is the key to the Higher Self. Time for inner growth.
  6. NURTURE – IV of Swords; by resting, meditating and recovering from the intensity of the past months. Renew and have plenty of offscreen me-time. Silence.

Take care and thank you for visiting.

Until next time.