Today the Moon is dark. A time for stillness, introspection and contemplation. A time to do our shadow work and feel what you need to create in the new moon cycle.

The Moon will be new in Aries tomorrow. Actually five signs will be in Aries!! Things are getting hot! Aries teaches us to believe in ourselves and stop seeking approval of others. This is so powerful and exactly what we need now more than ever!

Aries nudges us towards independence and adventure. When we think of this fiery and persistent sign, we probably envision some hefty horns. Exactly and with these we are pushed forward at full speed. Is that nice? Yes and no. This is a great opportunity to go our own way, spread our wings and broaden our horizons. But it also means that we say goodbye to the old and familiar. We may experience fears and other unresolved emotions when we decide to become independent. It can be difficult to let go of control. When you get some clarity about your next steps forward, pay attention and allow yourself to flow. Don’t try to plan too much. That way you can be more aligned with the shifts as they occur.

I feel this fiery energy may trigger us in many ways. Issues revolving around power structures and control will play out on a personal and collective level. We are being invited to investigate how we respond to such matters and try and find a mature way to handle the emotions this might bring up. I know I am definitely being challenged in this manner, old wounds and unresolved trauma bubbling up to the surface. This is a time of deep healing and transformation if we can only let go of all our resistance to change and the deep knowledge that we have to stop looking outside of ourselves for savior and that the key to our prison lies within ourselves. We are the ones that can set ourselves free. Shift out of fear and reactiveness and fall back into love and creativity so we can start to envision new possibilities and new ways of living together.

For this personal reading I used The Darkwood Tarot.

These are three questions you can work with at this Dark Moon or tomorrow’s New Moon.

  1. What passion should I be pursuing right now?
  2. What is the first move I can make towards pursuing/increasing my involvement in this passion?
  3. What do I need to let go of in order to give enough attention to this passion?
  1. The Wheel of Fortune is telling me to pursue my destiny, haha well that is making things clearer, not really. “Find the wheel and make it spin”, this is about expansion and movement. Start following expansive energy and start moving, the time of waiting and hibernation is over. To use an cringeworthy saying ‘follow my bliss’. Now what passion could this be as I have so many and choosing is not something I am keen on. Perhaps this card suggests to spin the wheel and go with the outcome in full faith, be open to chance and take a risk.
  2. The first move I can make is, Seven of Cups, which invites me to go on a vision quest. If I desire something I have to make room for it and this is so true. My life is so full of to do lists, appointments and stuff, I seldom have room left for spontaneity and synchronicity, yes perhaps even destiny. I need to make a choice, take action and step boldly!
  3. In order to do this I need to let go of The World, stop resisting my true nature and reacting to life instead of instigating action. Stop hiding from my true self and watching from the sidelines. Time to join the game!

Wow this is so clear and so spot on as I am exactly working with this shadow part of myself at the moment. This reading confirms what I had already received from my Higher Self.

Will I dare to choose?

To be continued…

Wishing you an inspired New Moon in Aries!! Use this energy for great things, make that change and move forward boldly!

Until next time.