film review

The NeverEnding Story

Door |mei 19th, 2019|Blog, film review|

‘Turn around, look at what you seeeee'... It's 1984, I am 9 years old and I walk out of the cinema mesmerized. Now the year 2019 and I must have seen this film over 50 times and I know it by heart. Other films I loved as a child (and still do) were Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Looking at these films now I find some of it a bit disturbing and dark, filled with a lot of occult symbolism. Definitely not [...]

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Door |april 5th, 2019|Blog, Coaching, Dutch, film review|

Bij een prijsvraag van Bewust Nederland werd een vraag gesteld die mij prikkelde. "Wat is jouw Drømmeland?" Mijn antwoord was: Drømmeland is voor mij die plek in mij waar ruimte en vrede is. De plek van waaruit ik bewust creëer. De plek waar ik thuis ben. De plek waar ik bijkom. Het is niet ergens buiten mij. Het makkelijkste bereik ik deze plek thuis voor mijn altaar, aan mijn tekentafel of op een plek in de natuur, weg van de gekte [...]

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Let me hear you roar

Door |januari 22nd, 2019|Astrology, Blog, film review|

About Objectivism, Superheroes and Lions Okay so this is me using the Gutenberg editor on my website for the first time. Just playing. So bear with me if it looks horrible ;-) Unleashing my creativity here haha ;-) But this post is not about the editor, it is about being our unique selves and not let ourselves be edited! But to what extend that is the question. A not so clear picture of the Eclipse (it was blood red in real [...]

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Mary Magdalene – what do I feel & think about this film?

Door |april 6th, 2018|Blog, English, film review|

This week I saw the film Mary Magdalene in the cinema and I have been having a difficult time to put my feelings about the film into words. And I am not quite sure what to make of the film. Does this do her justice? I don't feel so. Now I have to put aside my own response to religion and look at what is beneath it. And also let go of my own frame of reference. But I am not [...]

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Cinema Magic

Door |maart 5th, 2018|Blog, film review|

Because I am making this blog more spontaneous and less planned, I hereby decided to write a film review every now and then. Cinema is an old passion of mine. I used to be a film critic and I have worked as a film programmer (mostly Asian/Japanese). Now I am not going into detail about what the story is about, but more about how I felt about the film. Just sharing, just making conversation. Would love to hear what you thought [...]

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