
Merry Yule

Door |december 21st, 2020|Blog, witch|

Dear You, I wish you healing and silent Rauhnächte and happy Wicke days. Have a cose Yule and a fantastic 2021. Take care of yourself and each other. Thank you for the connection in 2020. Lieve Jij, Ik wens je helende en stille Rooknachten en fijne Wicke dagen. Gezellige Joel en een fantastisch 2021. Zorg goed voor jezelf en elkaar. Dank je wel voor de verbinding in 2020.

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Silent Night…

Door |december 16th, 2020|Blog, witch|

...Holy Night, or Yule Nights, or Rauhnächte. Preparations for the night when the light is reborn begin on the first day of Advent - four Sundays before the Winter Solstice. Advent means 'arrival' and we expect the arrival of the eternal light that is reborn in the darkest night. The number of Holy nights and the start varies by region. I will start on December 20 with the Winter Solstice. The descent into darkness ends December 24 at the beginning of [...]

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SoulCollage® Wiel van het Jaar vieringen- doe je mee? (Nederlands)

Door |november 25th, 2020|Blog, Soul Collage, witch, worshop event|

If you don't speak Dutch and are interested in SoulCollage® Wheel of the Year celebrations, please let me know so I can organise these if enough people show an interest. Het heeft een tijd geduurd, maar ik heb besloten om SoulCollage®  workshops online te gaan faciliteren. Ik merk nu we niet meer in de lijve kunnen samenkomen er nog meer de behoefte is om samen het leven te vieren.   Wat is SoulCollage®? SoulCollage® is een simpele en leuke manier om [...]

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Entering the darker days

Door |november 1st, 2020|Astrology, Blog, witch|

How are you? As we in the northern hemisphere cross the threshold of autumn into winter, as the ancient Celts referred to it, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced "sow-win") or what's now called Halloween - was a time of honoring the dead. Not just ancestors who've crossed over, but the parts of our lives that are readying to die I hope you are well and taking care of yourself. These times are deeply emotional and a lot of people are on [...]

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Re-membering Cunera

Door |november 1st, 2020|Blog, witch|

Yesterday, Samhain, I joined a Pagan group in a Winternachten-Cunura-Walk. Who was Cunera; a legend, saint or Goddess? Just outside the center of Rhenen lies the Cunera hill, said to be the burial mound of a young woman named Cunera, raised for her by the Frisian king Redbad. According to the 14th-century legend only one virgin survived the massacre when Saint Ursula and her eleven thousand virgins were martyred in Cologne, Germany by the Huns during the fourth century. Her name [...]

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Samhain Tarot offer

Door |oktober 11th, 2020|Blog, Tarot, witch|

Hiya dear you!, I hope you are doing well and are okay. I understand and feel that life can be very intense at this time and full of surprises (and not all of them happy ones). All of this chaos can distract us from looking deeper as we tend to tune out and distance ourselves when the going gets tough. We numb out with all kinds of distractions and addictions such as Netflix, alcohol, food, work, games, mobile phones, sex, etc. [...]

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Mabon musings

Door |september 20th, 2020|Astrology, Blog, witch|

Greetings! Oh wow I realize I am not posting a lot these days, I was almost about to write "as I should", but trying to get rid of those, so no "shoulds" here. Is it just me or has time sped up? And is it Fall already? The weather in The Netherlands is still unusually warm and sunny (we even saw 30 degrees Celcius temperatures last week and now it is a comfortable sunny 21 degrees) though there is chill in [...]

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Happy Lughnasadh

Door |augustus 1st, 2020|Blog, witch|

Happy Lughnasadh! Today marks the Sabbat Lughnasadh/Lammas (also called Lunasa,or August Eve). This is the first harvest festival of the year. After a whole year of caring for your "crops" and caring for your goals and dreams, now the time of harvesting what you have sown begins. We bake breads, begin enjoying produce from our summer gardens, and celebrate the prosperity of the year. This is a good time to think about what you would like to grow in your 'garden', your life and [...]

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Summer Solstice – Celebrating Life

Door |juni 20th, 2020|Blog, witch|

Happy Litha! This is a Solar festival, the solstice marks the longest day of the year. For me, Summer Solstice is a day for celebrating the warmth and light of the sun, the vibrant colors and bounty of nature and life in general. Though it’s also a bit sad, as the days now grown shorter as we head into the second half of the year. Pic by @karina_grens I’m not going to describe this sabbat as a lot can be found [...]

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A solitary Beltane

Door |mei 1st, 2020|Blog, witch|

Wishing you a blooming, blossoming, beautiful Beltaine/Beltane/Beltene. Now in Modern Irish Bealtaine can mean the month of may and La Bealtaine is May Day. I will for now use the anglicized spelling Beltane. What the name means of comes from is up for debate. Some say it means 'bright fire', the fire of the Celtic god Bel, or Belenus, a.k.a. Bile or Belinos. Some say the holiday refers to the fire of the Semitci god Ba'al, whose name means 'lord'. Beltain and [...]

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