
Wishing you an awesome April

Door |april 6th, 2019|Astrology, Blog|

Wishing you an awesome April Merry meet and welcome to my playground, my place of connection and service, Joy in Creation. Happy New Moon in Aries! The first New Moon after Mercury Retrograde is a powerful time to make positive shifts in your life. The fog is clearing, Mercury is going direct again and life feels lighter. March was tough for a lot of us. It is now time for action. Time to put those plans into motion, new plans or [...]

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Oink oink

Door |februari 1st, 2019|Astrology, Blog|

Hello, With the start of a new year not far behind and the start of a new season not far ahead, I have been reflecting on the effortless beauty and wisdom of nature’s cycles and how we can honour her rhythms in our lives. I have been feeling a bit withdrawn and in contemplative mode. I just don't feel like moving outward, publishing and making videos at this moment. I am craving me-time and taking it! I am rethinking how I [...]

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Let me hear you roar

Door |januari 22nd, 2019|Astrology, Blog, film review|

About Objectivism, Superheroes and Lions Okay so this is me using the Gutenberg editor on my website for the first time. Just playing. So bear with me if it looks horrible ;-) Unleashing my creativity here haha ;-) But this post is not about the editor, it is about being our unique selves and not let ourselves be edited! But to what extend that is the question. A not so clear picture of the Eclipse (it was blood red in real [...]

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Venus was her name – how does she influence your life

Door |oktober 12th, 2018|Astrology, Blog|

Hiya, Just dropping in to say hello and write a bit more about what is coming up in this time of Venus Retrograde. I also wrote more about this in this blog:   Venus will start its retrograde period in intense, real and moody Scorpio (Oct. 6-31), before moving into rational Libra (Nov. 1-17). Now is time for self-love, for me-time, nourish yourself and reconnect. But be aware that you don't become a hermit. Offer support to others, connect, take care [...]

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Venus RX – Do you love yourself?

Door |oktober 5th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, Healing|

Hiya, how are you? I wish you a happy and healthy October! This is a time of magic and mystery, a time when the veils between the seen and unseen is fading and it is much easier to move between worlds. This is a time of darkness and endings, a time of release and retreat. A time to be guided and let go and transition to....well the unknown, something new. Don't resist, trust your heart and know that change is inevitable. [...]

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Find your balance or you may Fall

Door |september 29th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, Gratitude, magic and spellwork, Travel, witch|

Hello you!! How are you? Hope you are well. The past few weeks have felt very intense and challenging for many as energies affecting us were very strong. A lot of us were faced with old challenges and patterns. Things we thought no longer had power over us came up strong to be seen and healed once and for all. Deep rooted fears can be addressed, lessons can be learned and healed so that we can then move on and open [...]

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New Moon in Virgo – release those heavy fruits

Door |september 8th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, witch|

Happy September! Are You Ready for Autumn? September is a time of transformation and an invitation to balance. The leaves are starting to fall and the trees are releasing their heavy fruits for harvest. Time to get ourselves and house in order and prepare for Winter. Tomorrow, September 9th the New Moon is in Virgo and this it the perfect time for taking inventory of your life. Are you going in the right direction or do you need to course correct? [...]

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ChaChaChat 26 August 2018 (blog &video; astro & tarot)

Door |augustus 26th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, Tarot, Videos|

Happy Harvest Full Moon! The Summer seems to be slowly saying goodbye, withdraw, and getting ready for Autumn. The wind of change is in the air and the promise of Autumn is caressing us with rain and a cool air. This is a time for harvest. This Full Moon marks the beginning of harvest season for many cultures. As the days are noticeably getting shorter (hello candlelit evenings and actually going to sleep in the dark) and the Harvest Moon extends [...]

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ChaChaChat 26 August 2018 (blog &video; astro & tarot)

So sloooowwww

Door |augustus 24th, 2018|Astrology, Blog|

Geez this week crawled by slowly. I feel like walking through sticky molasses. And almost everyone I met this week is sighing and stating how heavy and tired they feel. There is a collective density on weighing us down and we need to lighten up!   Last week, this time I was asleep, I slept for 24 hours. I just went out like a bulb with for no apparent reason, I just felt sick all of the sudden, went to sleep, [...]

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ChaChaChat 12 August 2018 (Dutch Video – English text)

Door |augustus 12th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, Tarot, Videos|

English text below the video  Hallo allemaal, Bij deze de Nederlandse video. Dank voor het kijken! Hello you all! I hope you had an expanding New Moon in Leo experience on yesterday, Saturday August 11th. This new phase was amplified by the August 8 Lion's Gate, when your energy was magnified. A lot of people I am in contact with/know are going through a time of tiredness, illness, life changing challenges, burn outs, depression, etc. Not many people at this time [...]

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