
New Moon in Cancer (incl. tarot spread)

Door |juli 21st, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Yesterday was the New Moon in Cancer and family is very important to Cancerians. Cancer is the zodiac's sign of home, family, and nurturance. The new moon phase is about setting new intentions, setting new goals and making fresh plans for the coming lunar cycle. Since the new moon is in the domestic sign of Cancer, it's good to get in touch with loved ones and relatives again, especially if you haven't seen them in a while. If there are conflicts [...]

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Taking a step back – Retrograde tarot spread

Door |juli 8th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hiya! Hope you are well! I am dropping in to share a Retrograde tarot spread by Spirit de la Lune. Right now, the only outer or transpersonal planet that is not in retrograde is rebellious and innovative Uranus. Uranus will also be going retrograde soon, but not until the middle of August. Retrogrades challenge us to review our approaches and release past outdated methods and this is exactly what is being asked of us right now on a world and personal [...]

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Beltane tarot reading

Door |mei 2nd, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

I hope you all had a beautiful Beltane celebration! I posted about my day yesterday, but just popping in to share my 3-card Beltane tarot reading, which I did after yesterday's ritual. Winter - the recent past - Death, a time of letting go, transformation and re-birth. And personally this has been a process for me over the past couple of years. A lot of (actual) death (physical as in people I know dying), but also a lot of smaller personal [...]

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Full Moon in Libra tarot reading

Door |april 8th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hello! How are you? I hope you are healthy and finding a way to be in this trying situation. As my head and neck were hurting for days, my mind was working overtime, I couldn't sleep and was fed up staring at a screen the whole day, I decided to take the day off from work. It was such a warm and sunny day that I just had to be offline and outside. I went of a 20 km walk and [...]

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What’s being reborn? Or are we just recycling?

Door |april 1st, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

How are you? I so hope you are well. I am quite worried about the state of the world and how easy people agree to the measures being taken. People don't seem to question or think for themselves. Well that is a generalization, thankfully I also see a lot more people scratching their heads about the succession of measures being taken to control us and limit human interaction. But generally people attack me quite viciously when I question what is going [...]

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Burn away the distractions – New Moon in Aries

Door |maart 24th, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

This is a powerful New Moon as it is the first New Moon of a New Astrological Year. The Moon and the Sun are now in Aries and this is a powerful time to use the Aries energy to make a new start and meet our challenges, with clarity of vision, confidence and courage. Aries is about action, rebirth and moving forward. You may have strong feelings welling up and bursting out. Aries needs to move and express. I now see [...]

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Support in uncertain times

Door |maart 18th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hello how are you holding on? I would like to provide some clarity and inspiration in these uncertain times, so I have decided to offer 50% off all tarot readings. This means a full elaborate reading is now: 27,50 euro and the 3 card readings are 7,50 euro. All come delivered as a PDF or recorded video, what you prefer. More information can be found here: https://www.joyincreation.com/oracle-card-readings/ Hallo hoe gaat het?Ik zou je graag wat duidelijkheid en inspiratie willen geven in [...]

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Finding connection in isolation

Door |maart 16th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hello dear friends, how are you holding up? I hope you are well and calm. I am okay, at home for the coming three weeks as we are in lock-down (except for must do trips to the supermarket, as long as that lasts). So I will be working from home and find my recreation in nature. I was a bit emotional this morning, the thought of no human physical contact for three weeks made me very sad, but I am now [...]

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The Witcher Spread VR to Shuffle Tarot

Door |februari 29th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

I only just started watching the series The Witcher as I finally caved and am now subscribed to Netflix. For now I can't say I am sold on the series, but perhaps I need a few more episodes. For instance The Game of Thrones took me forever to get hooked into. I think I restarted the first season five times, before I started to binge (I think the only series I have ever binged, I don't watch a lot of television [...]

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New Moon in Pisces – Tarot spread

Door |februari 23rd, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Happy Pisces New Moon - this is a time of dark silence, a time to reflect and to dream, dream big dreams. Just remember to not let the water sweep you away - stay grounded. Today is a perfect day to start or to strengthen your self-care routine. Feel where your body and energy needs extra attention. What can you leave behind this cycle, what is no longer resonating with you. Set powerful intentions to harness this Moon's energy and spend [...]

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